Uh oh. A week ago I kept having headaches, fatigue, bit of a sore throat and was alternately sweating/freezing but no fever. I tested negative and proceeded as usual, minus doing anything. I’m still extremely fatigued, and doing little to nothing. I’m about to redo the test.
I had the sweating/freezing thing too, didn’t put it into the diagram because I thought it was a side effect of the fever.
Oh wow. Thank you for letting me know. Glad I got vaxxed. Can’t imagine how it may have gone not being vaxxed.
For an unvaxxed perspective, I’m on day 1,276 of stuffy, runny nose with limited senses of smell and taste plus constant mild fatigue and brain fog. I was unable to carry a conversation or walk more than 7 or 8 steps the first 3 months due to breathlessness, and smelled nothing at all for 14 months.
I get EVERY vaccine now.
Interesting & quite a cool visualization!
I am on day 7 of symptoms right now, also just got it after dodging it for almost four years. My fever has subsided but boy am I congested still. I’m just glad the massive headaches are gone, I couldn’t think straight for a while.On the other hand, I’ve been wearing FFP2 masks in all indoor spaces religiously and I’ve been planning to keep doing it until I got covid (my masks didn’t fail me in the end either, I got it from a household member), and at this point I am genuinely excited to finally not be the outsider anymore and feel more normal again.