There are other ways of making pdf files, so it all depends on what you want.
There are other ways of making pdf files, so it all depends on what you want.
What, you can’t set the alpha channel on your text in a pdf?
It would be a side effect, most likely.
So a layer of transparent text wouldn’t work?
“Early KDE 4”, but I’d add that the distros are also to blame for packaging it in the main repositories when it should have been stuck way out in some dev repos, out of sight of users. And of course, KDE 4 was actually quite good once it got the kinks worked out.
Can you sell it for resources? There have to be some rare metals in them.
They could put a big diesel in that large unused empty space in the back. It would probably be a popular option.
Gnome is doing their famous “trust us, we know better” skit again. Always a crowd pleaser.
Nobody really remembers, it was so long ago.
Same, I’m really tired of the annoying Android logic. I wish we could have a logical OS where we could manage our files properly instead of the filesystem mess we currently have with stuff all over the place.
It didn’t matter when the phones just had a few megs of storage, but you can carry some serious data on those things nowadays.
Exos are typically still good drives though if you’re going for storage.
It may depend on the level of “refurbishing” that’s been done, but I don’t believe that’s a very good idea.
I can’t help with that right now.
And yet, there’s still no AI in the calculator. :(
It doesn’t work that way. They’re piped through all audio channels at maximum volume.
And they’re lots of fun when there’s a cabin announcement.
Look at it, it’s almost as bit as Africa! We haven’t found who is the president of Africa, so we had to make do with Greenland though.
But what’s the fun in that?
It’s only the zeros, so you’re not really missing anything.
The IMDb was open until someone just grabbed the whole thing and turned it into a website.