Well, there has to be some kind of algorithm. Even picking a random Wikipedia article technically is an algorithm, just not one that adapts to the user
Well, there has to be some kind of algorithm. Even picking a random Wikipedia article technically is an algorithm, just not one that adapts to the user
Yeah, I’m not gonna tell the 50 users of my plex server to set up wireguard on their devices so they can request movies and TV series on my overseer, when I can instead just use NPM to make it publically accessible with a password prompt
Are you blocked from installing browser extensions?
Lol, let me introduce you to http://smspva.com/
Not if there’s fewer there to see ads
But you usually pay per click or impression, not a flat rate. So that alone shouldn’t be a reason for them to stop advertising there
During the early days of Android phones, when most of them shipped with open bootloaders and still had microsd card slots, I’ve seen so many store display phones that were flashed with cyanogenmod by random people
Sorry, nuance is not allowed on Lemmy.
Discontinuing Windows 10 when Windows 11 is such a terrible OS is the real issue, continuing to support EOL Windows version in their Office suite would simply make no sense.
How is the term “racist” if it specifically refers to Japanese cars, not Japanese drivers
At least with barrel jacks that would have been an easy way to frie your electronics back then. With USB C you might encounter incompatibility, but at least you won’t break anything (with a few exceptions like the Nintendo Switch getting bricked by connecting certain 3rd party chargers to the official dock, or using a bad 3rd party dock)
Well, for that functionality the connected PC/Laptop also needs to support it
I’ve been using a legitimate copy of Photoshop CS6 on wine for a long time and it works flawlessly
Reading the first lines I was gonna say just cause their operating costs are covered doesn’t mean they should refuse more donations, because they could use the money to hire people to fix their garbage software.
But they cleared that up further down where they suggest donating to Jellyfin clients instead, which are indeed the biggest problem at the moment.
Hopefully it will one day become a viable Plex alternative for people that are sharing their server with “normie” users, and not just users that are technologically inclined and willing to use external Android TV boxes instead of hoping their SmartTV has a Jellyfin client available for it that isn’t hot garbage
You will have more luck running older versions of Photoshop using wine.
Calling it a car may be an exaggeration
Technically the Wii U was the most powerful console at the time it released.
But only because it released towards then end of the Xbox 360 / PS3 lifecycle, so it was a very short time period until it was once again severely underpowered compared to Xbox any Playstation
There are technical reasons for why so many PD profiles exist.
In fact they were not enough, which is why the USB Standard was extended with the “PPS” extension recently, which let’s the attached device freely choose a voltage between 3V and 21V in steps of 20mv, and more importantly it let’s the device freely change this voltage without interrupting the charge process. This change makes it possible for devices to bypass their own but in charging electronics and just directly forward the voltage coming from the charger to the device, improving efficiency and significantly decreasing how much the device hears up during charging
Sadly PPS is not found on many devices or chargers yet, and makes the already complicated USB C charging situation even more complicated for consumers
No, that’s not the reason at all. The actual reason is a phenomenon called “loop impedance”, which increases exponentially with each additional plug connection you chain together, regardless of the wire guage and distance of the extension
Too high loop impedance can cause your RCD to no longer trigger if you accidentally touch an exposed live connection, which is a major electrocution risk
Yes, and such cables already exist, like this splitter cable:
https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CRZ6JJ6D (not an affiliate link)
It’s not an extension cable, but it does exactly what you are suggesting. It gets the available PD profiles from the charger and then intelligently negotiates a profile that will work best to split the power to the 2 devices connected to it. The charger thinks it’s just connected to 1 device, and the connected devices think they are directly connected to a charger.
Doing the same for with a USB C extension would be trivial, but it’s probably hard to market such a cable when passive USB c extension cables are available at a fraction of the cost, even if those aren’t compliant to the USB standard
Correct, except for your example. Firstly, 120 watt USB c cables don’t exist, only 60w, 100w, 140w and 240w. And only plugging in a 100w or higher cable into a 60w extension would be dangerous, since it would allow drawing 5 amps on a cable over an extension only designed for 3 amps. However, as soon as your extension is rated for 100w it is completely safe to use with any USB c cable, even those rated for 240w, as those only operate at a higher voltage but still only allow 5 amps max.
I have also never seen an USB C extension cable rated for less than 100w, so this is kind of a moot point. If 60w usb c extensions exist somewhere, they would indeed be dangerous, but I have never come across one
Despite no longer sticking to the DIN standard, and climate controls being integrated into the infotainment system, there still exists a big market for aftermarket infotaiment systems, they just have to be engineered for the specific make of car you have. But they can be bought for most cars that have infotaiment systems that are now outdated