Yes, the same people who couldn’t get past the DNC to get Bernie nominated are certainly going to ge able to redistribute all the wealth.
Yes, the same people who couldn’t get past the DNC to get Bernie nominated are certainly going to ge able to redistribute all the wealth.
Don’t you know that we shouldn’t question the wisdom of dead white guys, ever?
You do realize that ‘the means of production’ are all in China right now?
I’d put ‘The Expanse’ at the head of the line
Poul did a throwaway story that I’d love to see expanded into a series.
A group of time travelers from 4,000 AD travel back to Renaissance Italy. They run into an evil baron and his henchmen, including one very learned monk. A little torture and the Italians have their own time machine. They set up a base in 10,000 BC and raid across time. They know that the Time Patrol can only use things in the historical record, so as long as they keep a low profile they’ll never get caught.
I always try to go by publication.
Someone put it this way [they were talking specifically about the Conan stories]. If you meet someone and get to chatting you don’t tell your story in chronological order. Maybe the first story you tell is about what happened at work, or your most recent vacation. After you’ve known them a while you talk about grade school.
That’s my opinion.
Here are some old school paperback writers you might not have heard of. I present them in no particular order, just off the top of my head. I found them all on wire racks in drug stores, lo these many years ago…
Robert Beck aka Iceberg Slim. If you ever wondered why there were so many rappers with ‘Ice’ in their name, it’s because Iceberg Slim was the author most widely read in the US prison system. I particularly liked ‘Trick Baby’ the story of a Black conman who could pass for White.
Donald Westlake aka Richard Stark. The other most widely read prion writer. Stark’s ‘The Hunter’ has been filmed about a dozen times. His crooks are unemotional professionals.
Tanith Lee. The Goddess-empress of the hot read. ‘Night’s Master’ has Satan as the hero. Every night he flies from his palace to seduce and/or terrorize mankind.
‘War Of The Wing-Men’ is a good one to start with.
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
iirc, it was in "War Of The Wing Men’ where a princess has been traveling through the galaxy looking for a human male to sire her child. She ends up picking a fat, boorish space trader over the hero-type because the trader actually knows how to get things done.
I think Dick was writing to be read in a particular time and place. Take Dashiell Hammett. ‘Red Harvest’ works a century later. there are some references that are dated [wearing a red tie] but overall you can give the novel to a modern person without a great deal of explanation needed. ‘The Thin Man’ requires a ton of annotation to be understood.
What boggles my mind is that there have been about fifty movies based on Philip K. Dick and zero based on Poul Anderson.
Anderson has galactic empires, roguish heroes, dozens of alien species, strong females, etc etc.
I’m keeping this going because you’re entertaining me.
I’m keeping this going because you’re entertaining me.
George did a TV show on the FOX network.
I love his stuff, but that doesn’t blind me to the fact that he was primarily an entertainer.
Carlin was born and raised in New York City. Morningside Heights [aka ‘White Harlem’]
New York City voted 90% against Donnie.
Carlin also came out for McGovern against Nixon.
Unlike many people, Carlin could adapt and change with the times. Heck, he even did a show on Fox.
Do yourself a favor and read the novels of Ross Thomas. He was a Washington reporter turned crime novelist. All his books have a strong political basis. Two of his best; “The Fools In Town Are On Our Side,” an ex-CIA hot shot is hired to clean up a small Southern city by making it so corrupt even the pimps will vote for reform; “The Porkchoppers,” a nuts and bolts look at a Union election with characters ranging from White House aides and Washington power mongers to factory line workers.
Which begs the question, why fly the Hammer and Sickle at all?
Politics is a game and if you want to win elections you should learn to play it.
Nixon hid his anti-Black agenda behind phrases like ‘safe streets’ and ‘the War on Drugs.’
Do you want to win elections or do you want to lose but be able to boast about how pure your intentions were?
Exactly. Ray Bradbury was angry that Obama never did any meaningful space exploration during his terms. After Bradbury died the Right tried to depict him as a life long GOP.
If you’re saying that the Left should vote for the Dems I agree.
I’d love to have Bernie as President, but our side dropped the ball twice and failed to get him nominated.
I’d like a hybrid camera. Digital and film options. Also, I think you could get people interested in developing their own pictures. Here’s a quick link to developing film photographs.
This is off the top of my head, but I could see retirees and young people being sold on a new hobby. Sell a camera with darkroom equipment.
Good luck with the project.