Perhaps. But what does any of that have to do with anything that they wrote?
Perhaps. But what does any of that have to do with anything that they wrote?
Their comment didn’t defend anyone. Funny you act like it did.
The sins of the United States don’t justify others committing them.
China is as much on the rise as 1950s United States. And if you think it can be sustained unlike the US. You haven’t been paying attention.
That said, the people of both countries definitely have a lot in common. Sexism, bigotry and racism being some of those things. You are extremely sanitized interactions on red note are cute and quaint. But not truly representative . We also have a need to throw off our wealthy governing elite. Whether its trump and friends or the Xi pack in the forbidden city. The regular person will suffer as long as they stay in power.
Well that and they should 100% have older generations fuzzing operating systems and software. Not that MS has ever been particularly secure. But back around 2000 or so. I set up the main PC at home with a fresh install of windows 2000. My mother and I were the main ones using it. So I had her and I set up to administrate. My father I had set up as an unprivileged account because he had a history of oopsy-doodles. He started complaining about not being able to access the Internet. Somehow without administrator access, poking around randomly he’d managed to change some setting blocking network access for unprivileged accounts.
I have them both on Linux now with recent MS bullshit. He was telling me he needs another operating system because this one always locks up on him. I went to check. The OS was fine. He meant the browser. Which wasn’t locked up either. He wanted to print something he didn’t need to. But hadn’t selected his printer. So it was going to save a PDF. But he couldn’t find his printer in his home directory and left it on the dialog lol. He will 100% fuck his home directory up at some point. But that’s why I have it backed up weekly.
Daily or weekly cron job with a backup utility to a protected directory or off site storage. The best and only way. Regardless of operating system. At least the home directory.
It’s not absolutist. Mildly reductive perhaps. But not remotely absolutist.
How could anyone be for it? It’s literally rule by the wealthy. It was a response created by wealthy mercantilist. Frustrated that no matter how much money they had there was an echelon of power always denied to them.
It’s always been tried with that definition. At the founding of the United States, wealthy white land owning males. The capital class with all the capital controlled it. It was oligarchy from it’s establishment. It was more beneficial on average than mercantilism. But still a failure.
Even today in China. The vanguard, their capital controlling class controls and regulates their state capitalism. Capital regulates capitalism. Not the people.
Respectfully, Adam Smith did not invent capitalism. He is seen by some as the father of it. But much like marx and Lenin and many others. Put together a popular outline of the thought at the time.
Even then he needs to be understood in the context of the times he lived in. He was very Progressive and educated for his time. But even if he believed that government should have some say in capitalism. Government back then meant wealthy white land owning males. I.E the capital class. I.E Capital controlling capital. Not the workers. Not women. Capitalism has always been about oligarchy. It was literally a response by the mercantilist class against the Royals.
Neither capitalism or socialism works for anyone but the vanguard/oligarchs.
It’s already partially there with WSL. Still has a long way to go. But it isn’t completely rediculous.
Then you are technically left. Although leninists Will loudly denounce anyone who doesn’t follow their authoritarian ideology as being no true Scotsman.
Capitalism as I stated above is regulated by capital. Anything other than capital regulating capitalism is not capitalism. The whole point of capitalism is that Capital regulates itself. If you want something other than Capital regulating capitalism, i e the people or government. Then you are against Capital regulating itself. And therefore anti-capitalist.
The tricky bit is. That wealthy oligarchs have spent centuries at this point conflating markets and capitalism. They are two different things. Markets have existed for centuries, Millennium even. It’s one of man’s oldest inventions. Coming right about the same time as agriculture. Predating capitalism by thousands of years. Capitalism as a concept is barely older than the United States itself.
According to capitalism, capitalism is the only regulation capitalism needs. Capitalism regulated by something other than capitalism is anti-capitalism.
The bigger issue is that so many people misconstrued capitalism and markets. They are two different things. You can have markets, well regulated markets. And not have capitalism. Even under authoritarian leninist governments they have markets. There were markets in Soviet russia, there are markets in-state capitalist China. Even in North korea. But they do not let the wealthy regulate and decide the markets as capitalism does. They have plenty of other issues however.
Plasma is largely plasma, regardless of where you get it from. Distro wise, the biggest difference tends to be theming and default settings. All things you should easily be able to change yourself to make it work the same no matter where it’s from. The only real gripe I have with plasma. Is distributions that enable the global menu by default. No easy way to turn it back off. And while I don’t mind the global menus. It’s the inconsistency of the global menus that’s that issue. Any plasma or QT application works fine generally that anything gtk or otherwise and it gets to be a mess. Not Plasma’s fault.
But in general it doesn’t matter what distribution it comes from
The main thing keeping people from using Mastodon is the lack of an algorithm. The very feature they should be using it for. The problem is your normal average person needs to be told by someone or an algorithm who to talk to or what to do. To go out and look for people to connect with on their own. We share interest. Or simply have work that interests them is too much effort. You need to show up in a little box on their interface otherwise they’ll never find you.
Like when they stopped trying to Outsource to India or other places where the labor was extremely cheap. But all the code that came back from it was useless and had to be Rewritten by the remaining software engineers still at the company anyway. They’ll never learn. They’ll simply find a new anti-worker efficiency to Chase.
You singled it out. Which was incorrect. Hatred of minorities is common in every culture on every continent of the Earth. It’s a basic human nature thing. And America isn’t special in that respect. Hell when you get into large monocultures like China Etc the racism and hatred of minorities gets even more extreme and specific. In fact a lot of those hatreds have been imported from all over. The Koreans hatred of the japanese. The Japanese is hatred of the Chinese and vice versa. Various Indian sects hatred of each other. And the colorful bigotry of Europe and the Mediterranean. But one thing it is also produced here in America that is a little less common than elsewhere. Are people that actually are much more tolerant and supportive of minorities. Unfortunately they’re not the ones in control but they do exist.
Not significantly more than anywhere else.
And better yet China will turn around and weaponize this against us. Forcing companies manufacturing over there to sell off their interest in the manufacturing plants Etc. This s*** can go both ways and everyone’s about to learn the hard way.
Yep, just like the Internet was only for techies.
That’s the joke yes. Among others here. 😆
You mean mainland Taiwan? Never heard of this China.
I don’t know that I’d go that far. I’d think they’re not much different than people on average anywhere. I definitely think it’s cuckoo to claim that they are all so well educated and courteous compared to everyone else. That definitely reeks of lack of critical thinking and propaganda