That takes reading from existing users.
Also not all answers are perennial for a question. So it makes sense to ask them again. In that case, closing a question as duplicate is absurd.
That takes reading from existing users.
Also not all answers are perennial for a question. So it makes sense to ask them again. In that case, closing a question as duplicate is absurd.
Yeah, that way they also get a 3 hour nap
Oops yeah you’re right. Sorry OP. There’s nothing better than using a database that flushes to disk often enough that missing a small chunk of data due to interruptions should be fine. Probably some kind of memory mapped IO on top of eager writing filesystem should do a good enough job.
I thought someone here had mentioned that the environment and user executing the script at startup and you running the script might have differences. The reason it would have worked with systemd might be that the environment was loaded correctly?
Clinging to absolute morality leads nowhere. You shouldn’t punch down.
On the other hand if the number keeps going down it helps strengthen hope that it can go down to 0. When these things happen some apparatus gets left behind on how to do it a again for rogue actors inside the country too.
Except we shouldn’t be giving corporations same rights as individuals. Doing so leads to corporate feudalism.
Those should be your expectations when you are on the shop floor and that should allow you to reject the purchase if it’s s deal breaker for you. Not when you’re crossing railway tracks.
When it’s been advertised to the user as “full self driving”, is it?
I wouldn’t believe an advertisement.
Jokes on them, I am a grumpy bastard who hates emotionally expressive humans.
As opposed to being bland and boring?
If a theme is able to break core functionality then your theming system/guidelines needs to be fixed. And it to be more accessible to theme designers so these problems don’t occur in the first place.
If you think anyone can 100% guarantee shit won’t break, I have a bridge to sell you.
If you sign here on this legal paper saying YOU will face consequences for a friday deploy then yes I will take you up on this
Now that the foundation is already there, they future work won’t be as complex as before and need less training.
LOL, LMAO even.
LOL, you will tie anything to rust. Voyager memory core problem: “Does this mean NASA Engineers will rewrite voyager comms code in rust?”
Same here. Disabled it a year back.
it was fun when we had this 1st year of college. Unfortunately I don’t yet have the space needed for it and buying a space is out of the question for me right now
Yeah I should try that. I guess my problem would be I start spending hours on a problem. Instead I should just learn to do stuff outside of the digital space for a while.
I would like to add to the other excellent points on when to avoid pressing the matter.
If the person has multiple reviewers, and the review itself is far along enough that most of the complex comments are fixed then it is quite irritating having new comments that focus on style.
Giving a comment on style is to be avoided late into the review. Some reviews even have very long running CI/CD that reruns on every commit and won’t accept older results. If it makes the assignee wait for even 4 more hours it’s not worth it to give such comments after everything else.