The mod was designed to play in 60fps on a jailbreaked PS4 Pro in boost mode. It just also works on an emulator
Obviously a Zero Width Space (U+200B) is placed there
You are not supposed to use these in a non-redundant config.
Okay but they still need to distribute it if they want others to use it. And you don’t reach a lot of people through sneakernet alone. Nintendo will just shut down every place the software gets distributed. Then no legitimate site wants to touch that with a ten yard stick.
Nah these billionaires don’t align on the modern left wing right wing spectrum, they are all a special kind of hardcore libertarian. The only ideology they have is that they should be able to do whatever they want to earn their next billion. Him appeasing right wingers fits his MO, but doesn’t make him a right winger.
Yeah but it’s a different type of steno machine. You can also just type on it without using chords. So you can use it in applications where a steno machine wouldn’t work. Like in programming.
The channel has videos explaining how the keyboard works
Or simply sneakernet drives to a friend’s home. Good excuse to visit a friend more often.
That F1 prototype app and the PGA app look pretty neat but are definitely a niche.
Also wouldn’t it turn yellow or something before you can even reach that amount? Unless they keep it stored in the fridge. Which makes it extra weird.
Expect reCaptcha to ask you to identify food delivery robots soon.
Whoever fights bugs should see to it that in the process he does not become a bug
Yeah and we are going to see more of that in the future since everyone and their mom are switching to UE5.
I think they just ship the phones to places where they can still be sold like the UK.
I’m just joking dingus
This is why you add a disc reader and a laptop, that can run directly from a power brick without a battery installed, in the safe. This way the next generations have a way to read it and transfer it to modern media.