Yeah totally agree. I can give it credit for being adapted for better accommodating flutter, but it has extremely many things where it does not come across as modern
Yeah totally agree. I can give it credit for being adapted for better accommodating flutter, but it has extremely many things where it does not come across as modern
Flutter uses dart. It’s one of the best ui building frameworks I have used. Not that it is perfect…
Plottwist: consciousness is : Copy
This is Elon Musk
git config --global merge.ff no
I think “prompt engineer” is the best job title on multiple levels
This is certainly not about finding fools who not only are beta testers but also provide training data… And not only for free, but they pay also for this… Win win win for M$
Let me try. Before that I don’t believe you
Same here. Always wanted to do cool games. But wanted to have an even cooler scripting language for the game. At some point programming languages became more interesting. Now working in ide development :D never finished a game
Actually the language is quite small. The features, it has, are just quite powerful and have huge synergies so that it seems that you have a lot of complex features. It has a lot of weird corner case stuff, but most of that is because of the jvm and other languages have that too unfortunately.
Not to the advertiser, but to the one getting money for the ad.
Lynx is a Webbrowser for terminals.
Never understood this argument. It has nice rethorics but proves nothing. the problem with text prediction != intelligence is that we can’t even define intelligence. I hate AI as much as the next guy here, but that doesn’t mean we should do lazy assertions and quoting dumb arguments.