That said, all it has to do is a better job at controlling our lives than the humans currently running everything are doing, and the lowness of that bar serves as a pretty accurate marker for the exact center of the Earth’s core.
I mean, of the hundreds of communities I’ve blocked so far, I feel like a solid half of them were furry porn, so honestly that tracks.
Explanation: they weren’t using an (functional) ad blocker for some reason.
…well, hopefully it’s better at politics than we are.
Though, if that bar was any lower it’d be passing through the planet core.
What they’re incapable of is recognizing that ‘the badies’ (Nazis) is something they should avoid.
The problem isn’t that they don’t know they’re evil, it’s that they fucking love it.
They’re purchasing influence over the POTUS. The event itself doesn’t matter to them or Trump; it’s just one many pathways to get their bribe into his pockets.
Completely legal, cuz our laws are made by folks who are also for sale.
Naw our brains do that shit all the time - you don’t hear someone quite right, and instead of recognizing that you didn’t get the info, your noggin just fills in the blanks on its own. She very well may have clearly heard “Let’s go Brandon!”
Perception is reality.
Maybe he just had a weird fetish?
I think what he meant was we need positive change. Burning our own country down is definitely change, but… well, I guess it’s what the (fucking traitorous) voters wanted, so… buckle up.
Didn’t it already tell some teen to kill themself recently? It fits right in with the worst of the internet.
Been using this in nursing school - a lot of our content is done on horribly designed websites, and it’s pretty common to hit submit and… Naw it didn’t take: all your shit just disappeared.
So, save with single file first, then submit, and if it fucks up then I’ve got a backup to copy and paste a replacement out of.
There was Antz… I don’t remember much from it, but iirc it was the same kind of theme?
The last movie I saw in theaters was Interstellar… just pulled up the release date, and holy shit, it’s been a solid decade.
…not really feeling the urge to change that either. All I remember theaters being is a sticky fucking mess where a bag of skittles and a drink will cost you like 5% of your net worth; from there you pack into these disgusting seats, invariably right behind some 6’11" 400lb dude in a fucking cowboy hat and, surrounded on all sides by people who have never heard of the concept of shutting the fuck up for 90 mins…
representative government
supposed to work
Pick one.
The trick is to not remove them.