There are certainly more polite ways to remind people to use the search, that’s for sure.
I didn’t think to search under ‘issues’, and just asked on here without really giving it too much thought.
There are certainly more polite ways to remind people to use the search, that’s for sure.
I didn’t think to search under ‘issues’, and just asked on here without really giving it too much thought.
Any idea how to get this to auto-run with OpenRC?
Preferred the way the old version looked, but I can’t really fault liferea
That’s even worse!
Probably read The Sirius Mystery and took it as fact
A Thinkpad will have to do
I do enjoy a Late Night Linux episode from time to time. Not too heavy going, nor are the episodes that long.
It is. That or it was very coincidentally down for the exact amount of time as DDG.
At least Reaper has Linux ports, better than nothing.
I’d imagine it would work fine. You can always try Mint out from the LiveUSB and see if any issues occur.
The installer’s defaults should be enough to get it done without any hassle.
“Under Construction” GIF
Like most posts on the Lemmy front page!
And Audacious!
Artix for similar reasons