Thank you for your advice. I will take it. As a beginner, I’ll start with Mint.
Would your reccomend any other secure distro for the future?
Thank you for your advice. I will take it. As a beginner, I’ll start with Mint.
Would your reccomend any other secure distro for the future?
Thanks for the reply. I’m fairy average Joe. I’ll mainly use this machine for downloading files and general browsing. I don’t have any personal files or accounts on that device.
I’m mainly concerned with neglecting to enable (or disabling) something critical or accidentally downloading something malicious (although this hasn’t happened for many many years).
Thanks. I take it that software centre is like a Linux app store?
Doddle = easy Jiffie = quick
Marines quite: “It might be quick, but it ain’t easy.”
I forget the name of it but there is a little known agreement that means digital services aren’t taxed. Example, I can offshore workers who connect to a server in the EU and performs work.
It covers things like Netflix streaming to EU customers without Netflix being taxed.
If you think about it this is a little odd. After all, goods are taxed when imported, why not digital services?
The EU is often criticised for having no digital leader. Switching that tax free hose off might resolve that.
I’m new to programming and still in training. Is there a replacement competitor site for stack overflow that people use?
Thanks for that. I’ll move this up the list.
I’ve been flip flopping between JavaScript vs python and landed on JavaScript as it has some libraries I’d like to experiment with.
I’ve written a few lines of python code but just basic training stuff. Hopefully there are some transferable skills from learning JavaScript.
Thank you for the reply.
I’ll do just that. Thanks for the reply!
Ahh yes, I should maybe have posted this somewhere else now I think about it.
For me, I find the barriers to entry are quite high but if you can get a good training vid that covers the building blocks then it’s easy to learn more.
School would be a good place for that initial learning.
The discussion of nuclear power, much like the discussion of communism, is met with entrenched positions on Lemmy.
Break them up!
Ahh yes the: we can’t have self signed certificates for security reasons but also can’t open up the environment to the web, and we dont have our own CA server, trifecta.
Solution: awkward, manual, certificate import process from a 3rd party vendor.
Yes, no one seems to raise this anymore. AI to me has always been something akin to computer sentience.
Things like ‘self healing’ systems are being badeged as AI when they’re little more than an application load balancer.
What was the behind the scenes deal on this? I remember it happening but not the details
I highly recommend Accursed Farms (this guy’s) YouTube channel. His content is very well made and he seems like a good person (I’ve been watching for a lot of years).
Obligatorily: YouTube is crap statement, used piped instead.
Thanks for the tips. I did some got training a few months ago but hadn’t considered using it for Linux configs.
That is good advice.