Why not Linux From Scratch?
Why not Linux From Scratch?
Okay but are we going to get that rust code merged or no?
That would not be open source: https://opensource.org/osd
He’s not in charge of the rust code they want to merge. They asked him about it because their code talks with the dma system.
That’s the thing though, he’s not in charge of this code.
Well, the rust devs are trying to add more rust code, and the dma maintainer rejected it because it was was written in rust. Thus, the question.
Yes, that’s just the way it is in systems that involve humans. But when that final authority refuses to make a necessary decision, what do you do?
If the rust devs are willing to take on that work, what’s the problem?
Forking the Linux kernel is unlikely to go anywhere.
There is Redox, a Unix-like whole OS implemented in Rust, though I don’t know if being able to run unmodified Linux binaries is one of their goals. It looks like they’re expecting most software to be ported.
Yeah, Linus conspicuously did not answer that question either.
I just use a Chromecast and use my phone to cast from Jellyfin on my home server right to the Chromecast. No fiddly bits.
So he won’t answer on-list. He won’t respond to off-list. I don’t blame marcan for getting frustrated.
It sounds like he tried that, and nobody with authority responded until he went outside the list. Even now, Linus hasn’t actually answered the question of whether more rust code should be allowed.
Try it, find out.
Sure, and part of being a good manager is to, you know, manage. It shouldn’t have gotten to the point that marcan is going outside the list to try to get something done. Linus (or someone else with authority, I’m not familiar with who else is managing it) should have stepped in much earlier to head off the drama. It was a very simple question.
Rust in the kernel is already established and part of the mainline kernel. It’s extremely pretty and wholly inappropriate to reject code just because it’s written in rust.
So now we’ve lost a very good developer, and the question of rust in the kernel remains unresolved. This is the worst possible outcome.
I’m not familiar with that program. How does it determine “throttling”?
I don’t personally use tape, but I get most of my stuff from eBay. Tape drives are surprising expensive, even LTO-6 is going to run you a few hundred. But you still can’t beat the density and longevity.
Tape. Amazon glacier if you’re okay with that.
And regular test restores. An untested backup is not a backup.
But when considering what I need to back up, I usually overestimate how much I or other people will care if it’s lost. Family photos are great, but what are the odds of someone saying “damn I wish we still had two dozen photos of that one barbecue?”
For microblogging, platforms like Mastodon with large instances. For long form blogging, there aren’t any major platforms or instances yet. Discovery happens the old fashioned way with links.