master/slave relationship in tech
Wait, this is a thread about branch names in git. The “master” in question would be more akin to a “master recording” from music, not master/slave software or system architecture.
master/slave relationship in tech
Wait, this is a thread about branch names in git. The “master” in question would be more akin to a “master recording” from music, not master/slave software or system architecture.
I can’t help but read this as “forty-ies” instead of “forties” 😂
no more to do with technology than CEOs of wood pulp factories have to do with literature.
This has me envisioning a literature community filled with stories like “Random House and Penguin merging” (I know, old news), “Layoffs at PRH”, etc.
Star Trek for me, I think (though oddly, I’ve played in a Star Wars tabletop RPG but never a Star Trek RPG). My wife and I started watching Deep Space 9 from the beginning about a month ago. I had seen some of it a while back (not everything, busy with school at the time). She had never seen it. We just finished season 1.
I don’t think it qualifies as “old school”, but I do like the Vorkosigan books.
Lately I’ve been on kind of a Scalzi kick. I’m partway through the Interdependency series.
I’ve been there! A friend of mine told me about it.
I hadn’t ever had pho before that. I thought it was good, but I’m not exactly a pho guru.
This is a good point. Intelligent sociopaths do exist. “stupid” and “evil” are not synonyms.
Ugh, I hate that you’re right about this. It used to mean a topic of study in computer science. Now it means…I don’t even know what it’s supposed to mean.
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
So you’re saying copyright infringement is on par with speeding or parking past the meter’s end? Eh, fair enough.
If you do something illegal, you should be arrested.
Copyright infringement lawsuits are a far cry from bomb threats or the like.
I use podman at work, mostly just a Docker replacement. My biggest problem with it is typing “pdoman” in commands by mistake.
Good idea for those who are covered by the GDPR. Doesn’t help me, though.
Don’t regret too much. I wouldn’t be surprised if reddit’s “delete” function was really just "move to the “suckers-wanted-to-delete-this” file.
then there really is no hope for this world.
I don’t know how to tell you this, but…
I get the same white background on Windows, Chromium and Firefox. Checking settings, I see FF is set to “Automatic” light/dark mode. When I manually select Dark mode, I see the dark background.
I disagree. I think it’s more helplessness than apathy.
I don’t approve of all the spying, but I don’t “own” any congress critters, so what can I do? I can’t even opt out of the spying by cancelling my Internet plan and smashing my phone – there’s still tracking through CCTV, face recognition, license plate scanners, etc. I’d have to move to some remote middle of nowhere and live as a subsistence farmer – and even on the way there, I’d be thoroughly tracked. There’s no escape, it’s like we’re all in a giant digital cage.
Bad phrasing. I read your previous comment as demanding an explanation from me for why the author wrote an article about simple design rather than about user testing.
Honestly, I don’t think the article would have been well-served by detouring into user testing. It’s long enough as it is, and again – NN group has written a LOT on the topic.
I’m not really sure why you brought it up in the first place. It seems like ‘beating a dead horse’ territory.
Why are you asking me? I didn’t write the article.
It’s not the point of this article. NN group talks a lot about user testing in other articles, IIRC.
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