I been on the internet since the 90s. I want to know what people are seeing. A commercial here or there keeps me in the loop about what is being pushed.
1 hour unskippable ads tells me a lot about what is going on, unfortunately.
I been on the internet since the 90s. I want to know what people are seeing. A commercial here or there keeps me in the loop about what is being pushed.
1 hour unskippable ads tells me a lot about what is going on, unfortunately.
Same. I get the whole range. Usually it’s short but occasionally it’s an hour long.
Voice to text is hit or miss. When I’m lazy about fixing typos that’s WhAt HAAPenS
My conspiracy theory here is that the person tasked with implementing The new policy filters Was either pissed off and or lazy And just use the most obvious filter they could come up with
Class action lawsuits are a fucking scam for lawyers.
Make it a law that comes into effect in 2 years. Put them on notice.
Fractured internet here we come
No, don’t throw the younger generations under the bus to clean up our messes.
If nothing else we are ride or die with them.
Trying to talk about it online is like trying to talk about jews and Israel without being called an antisemite. You better have a lot of time to explain exactly what you mean.
Military justification for an expensive national energy project?
horny government contractor noises
Sounds sexy
Shitty ass movie life
Maybe ultra low frequency somehow.
The pessimist in me worries it will break in a storm then get paraded around as an example of why wind can’t replace fossil fuels…
Fucking lol.
Orange white, orange
Green white, blue
Blue white, green
Brown white, brown
Learned it 20 years ago, never used it. how did I do?
So in the spring I got a letter from a student telling me how much they appreciate me as a teacher. At the time I was going through some s***. Still am frankly. So it meant a lot to me.That was such a nice letter.
I read it again the next day and realized it was too perfect. Some of the phrasing just didn’t make sense for a high school student. Some of the punctuation.
I have no doubt the student was sincere in their appreciation for me, But once I realized what they had done It cheapened those happy feelings. Blah.
But like. AI. Ya know? Predictive mouse algorithm to make you clicky more gooder
I want to know what’s going on in the world.And that includes knowing what advertisers are pushing down our throats.Political ADS ads for products, things like that.How they’re going about it.
I care too much and it’s beginning a problem in my personal life