Infrastructural APIs are much slower to change, and in a lot of cases the use of those APIs are dependent on a specific version. The change will definitely occur over time as the practical limitations are discovered
Infrastructural APIs are much slower to change, and in a lot of cases the use of those APIs are dependent on a specific version. The change will definitely occur over time as the practical limitations are discovered
Dynamic stacks are pretty common in the most popular scripting languages, but considered bad practice from folks who use systems languages
If they could, I bet they’d try to implement a discount system for time spent stocking shelves
If the Walmart/target cases are anything to go by, it’s a basic universal tubular lock. You can by a decoder/pick for like $10
Most corporations will hand over the data without question whenever the government asks without a warrant.
Are you expecting that regular people will understand what foss means without ever seeing it before? The law is literally named the Securing Open Source Act. By law, code that is not classified must be open source.
Especially a government agency.
The truth is that this victory couldn’t come at a better time. They’ll try to get around it and will blatantly violate it I’m sure, but this victory is still more important than ever
I prefer the sample platter and have a taste for the week
There’s a few tricks around it. Web scraping, for example. I could also see like a webview portal with a custom layout
The stupid bus made it rain!
Our sabot production is nowhere near where it needs to be unfortunately, so we’re forming unions instead
No different from the dozens of other targets made as targets with the face of political figures centered as the bullseye, imo. If one is fine, it’s all fine.
Do you happen to work in HR? You’d fit right in considering you defend arbitrarily applied rules at the behest of management.
Lol i didn’t notice that at first. I’m heavily involved with community/union organizing, so I find myself using it for both at the same time
That requires an adjuster
Google workers actually launched CODE when they formed a direct-join minority union called Alphabet Workers United.
Unions aren’t something that just happen to your workplace. Consider taking CODE’s free organizer training and make it happen.
This account is new, but I trust it.