Microsoft employee:

Hi, This is a high priority ticket and the FFmpeg version is currently used in a highly visible product in Microsoft. We have customers experience issues with Caption during Teams Live Event. Please help

Maintainer’s comment on twitter:

After politely requesting a support contract from Microsoft for long term maintenance, they offered a one-time payment of a few thousand dollars instead.

This is unacceptable.

And further:

The lesson from the xz fiasco is that investments in maintenance and sustainability are unsexy and probably won’t get a middle manager their promotion but pay off a thousandfold over many years.

But try selling that to a bean counter

      1453 months ago

      I understand you are having a problem with ffmpeg.

      Firstly, I will need you to open a command prompt and run SFC /scannow.

      And then reboot your PC.

      And then run SFC /scannow again.

      And reboot again.

      Until you give up and reinstall Windows.

    • Pyro
      223 months ago

      I figured they would just run sfc /scannow and then sit staring at their screen bewildered when it inevitably does nothing.