Researchers find deliberate backdoor in police radio encryption algorithm | Vendors knew all about it, but most customers were clueless.::Vendors knew all about it, but most customers were clueless.
Researchers find deliberate backdoor in police radio encryption algorithm | Vendors knew all about it, but most customers were clueless.::Vendors knew all about it, but most customers were clueless.
Looking forward to someone bringing this up when discussing the ongoing died-but-somehow-always-revived legislations that would introduce backdoors for encryption for government
Died? The below are all happening right now.
Yeah the ones in EU and UK are kinda fresh, but if I remember correctly, the ones in the US went through different iterations through many years, and keep coming back. There’s also a new-ish one in the US as well I think.
There’s a new anti-encryption act in the USA too. This page has information about how to oppose it: