I expected a joke about a monarch
I expected a joke about a monarch
I’d argue that at this point, sticking to the collective vs individual dichotomy of climate attribution and action potential is climate action delayist. When your argument relies you or your group intentionally doing absolutely nothing to combat climate change, you don’t really have climate change in mind.
Leftism sometimes cares more about class than its very foundation, the environment, to understand why there is a problem with blame-shifting.
I’ve seen this in a similar fashion in relationship advice forums: Commenters not engaging with the issue or person, but knee-jerk reacting with advising instant breakup.
I haven’t been on reddit for over a year, but I cannot imagine that topics like say atheism don’t polarise. What makes you think it is the case?
I don’t quite understand your point. Do you maybe have some examples to understand better?
Inheritance wars wasn’t something on my FOSS list…
Fediverse and CSAM?
Wise people know when to adjust core beliefs to not get into a situation like this, but I’d say that there’s at least a bit of intention here.
I don’t know. I only attended two month years ago and then got different life problems.
Computer Science in Germany often includes C and Haskell, ie Imperative and Functional Languages, at the beginning.
I never interacted with mozilla.social, but I wonder if they considered organising mozilla.social through a connected volunteer association, before deciding to shutdown.
Steam’s UI is tolerable, but inconsistent. In a SteamDeck, OK, but in a phone? Idk.
I get that this isn’t meant that seriously.
From the comments I see, feddit.uk seems to have the lowest unit costs with 11 pennce.
No, votes should not be displayed public.
Blocking those who downvote creates further polarisation, echo chambers and an environment more hostile to discussion and honest exchange.
Following those who upvote creates personality cults and nepotism and devalues the content.
Yeah? Immutable distro, clownstrike kernel panic, what tool do you use now? Remember, you ‘need’ clownstrike.
Laypeople couldn’t fix it even more.
I’m saying this for years, but a) it’s quite late (seems like a 1990s issue) and b) OpenNIC is a bit of a joke atm (but support it anyways)
ICANN never should’ve been a creature of US-NTIA, but of the UN. The US has no right to decide for the digital world how everyone communiticates. No one really should (apart from about stuff like CSAM).
Say Plasma “breaks” - a wiki will not help fast enough.
I’m not trying to defend rolling release for a gaming console, but give me at least the option to decide for myself whether I’m ok with breakage or not. There is this kernelspace NT driver that I wanted to try, but I couldn’t because pacman is locked.
I don’t like containerisation because it leads to bullshit like atomic distros. I don’t want a spicy Android.
Steam OS has some cool elements like the menu, the in-game side panels and the game mode/desktop dichotomy, but incremental rolling release is utterly deranged from my POV as an Arch user (btw).
anything goes