Tree style tabs ftw
Tree style tabs ftw
U crazy! lxc is incredibly lightweight compared to a vm, I’m often amazed at what it can do with just a few hundred MB of memory.
Also you can map storage straight from the host and increase allocation instantly, if needed. Snapshotting and replication are faster too.
I’m always bummed when I’m forced to run a VM, they seem archaic vs PVE CTs. Obviously there are still things VMs are required for, though.
Or containers, but lxc instead of docker-like. They’re like full VMs in operation but super lightweight. Perfect for some needs.
shutdown -h now on the wrong machine. Should have been “-r”. No IPMI but important enough to force me to drive to the office at night.
Ever since, I force myself to wait a couple seconds before sending any shutdown command, and tend to use reboot instead.
BusyCal as a macOS client and baikal as a server.
Those two are reliable as can be. BusyCal is a great app with a responsive developer and can connect to virtually anything.
As to the topic of this post, despite the above, I’m trying to move away from CalDAV and CardDAV, the latter has poor support on most mobile platforms in the way I want to use it. I also am trying to reduce self hosted platforms I maintain, which is currently a high number.