I can recommend linkding..
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My Futro S740 with an J4105 CPU consumes up to 14 Watts according to this article. It is faster than a rpi 4b plus i bought it refurbished for 40€. I think a system with an I5 6500t will need even more power under load.
Yeah, thin clients are the way to go, but tgey will draw more than 5-7 Watt under load.
And which piece of consumer hardware offers more computing power (relevant for minecraft server) for the same amount of electrical power than a rpi4?
You can’t have more calculation power for the same electrical power consumption. A thin clirnt with an i3 or i5 maybe.
Since your other question is already answered:
think leaving it as it is (unencrypted, no domain name, only accessible through IP) will be problematic.
Yes, that’s no biggy since it is on your local network only. But be aware that everyone that has access to your network could potentionally capture all the files you’re transfering and your nextcloud credentials as well. Other than that, your communication with nc will be encrypted on the wifi layer.
So you want to redirect podcasts over your server and save your progress there? Maybe icecast (maybe combined with mpd) will do the trick?"
There were no actual efforts to establish communism in eastern europe. Only autocratic regimes backed by soviet russia.
Or mum
I’m using mailcow which comes with sogo groupware which works nice with davx⁵ on android, calendar, mail (with fair email app), tasks (with tasks.org app) and contacs.
Why not? Of course you should not install or uninsta anything while rsync runs…
I would argue that rsync is better suited to clone your file system when using linux. Just prepare the partitions (plus point: you can alter partition sizes and reorganise like having a new partition (or even device) for your /home or whatever) and mount them, then
sudo rsync -ahPHAXx --exclude={/dev/*,/proc/*,/sys/*,/tmp/*,/run/*,/mnt/*,/media/*,/lost+found} / /mnt
Then fix your fstab and reinstall your boot loader. Way faster than dd and can be done on a running system.
Why dd over rsync?
Try mailcow and follow their manual on configuration. Gmail, some big european mail providers, smaller organisations, my mails arrive everywhere. Despite having a somewhat dodgy tld.
Haven’t tried yet. I’m evaluating atm if I need it or not.
Photoprism offers multi user for sponsors
Thanks for the effort but i might just toss them the coins.
Ah, thanks for the heads up. Last time I looked the said they might implement it in the future.
You can basically connect any local port to any remote port normal or reversed. Reversed is -R, normal with -L. In this setting, correct me if im worng, you want to connect the open port on the airplane to one already prepared on a vps which allows you to do what you want e.g. proxy websites.