Business majors just get more authority than they ought to. They should be treated more like secretaries and advisors in most cases, not bosses.
Business majors just get more authority than they ought to. They should be treated more like secretaries and advisors in most cases, not bosses.
Because business majors only know how to exploit good things that would be better off without them.
If the good thing is left to just be better off without them – while they fuck around with a separate thing – then people will never be interested in the business majors’ product.
Rhowch, mwyn, and wnffre are Welsh. The rest is nonsense.
Everybody gets together on Runkedagen, it is where the English first observed the rumored circlejerk.
Den Nasjonale Runkedagen
Tidligere kjent som “Allrunk”, navnet ble endret et par år etter TV3 våget å arrangere en aldri så liten “Allrunk på Grensen”, noe svenskene var svært misfornøyd med.
Det gamle navnet og tradisjonene som hørte til er fortsatt gjeldende i deler av Vestlandet og i Trøndelag, men spesielt populært er det i Nordmøre.
How do SSDs and HDDs compare to optical disks in terms of stability in storage? SSD bits can lose charge over time until a lot of 1s read as 0s, right?
GEMA aeems to be doing a lot of shit I don’t think should be done, like charging for live performances of GEMA-owned music. I also don’t see why there should be an organization with memberships? That’s not at all related.
I’m also not pitching an organization at all, I wouldn’t expect an additional one to be necessary. It’s just conceived as a legal framework change,
When I’m talking about starting companies, I’m talking about several, not competing through the size of they’re libraries, but rather through other things like cost, quality, UI, searchability, recommendations, etc.
I am not talking about a concept for a company, I’m talking about revised ethics to inform revised laws which could perhaps enable what you seem to describe Grooveshark as.
I think the DMCA experiment has gone on long enough and it’s time to try to mitigate the negative results of it through a different approach.
I just wanna pitch something:
What if it was impossible to publish something through a preferred publisher? What if any published piece of music was legal to redistribute with a published fixed global royalty?
As in: You can start a music distribution service and you don’t need to make any deals, you just use what’s out there and pay the fixed fee per user who played the song.
This could perhaps be enforced by there simply being no more legal grounds to stop your service as long as you pay, with fines for secret deals being extremely high and the award for whistleblowing also being very high.
In general I feel like movies, shows and video games could be treated the same. Ending exclusivity has been something I’ve kinda wished to see forever. I think if you reconsider the ethics many of you might conclude that you agree with me.
I swear, Lemmy users act like they are completely in favor of an instance of 40 users and a submission every other week. Seeing scale as inherently bad.
Lemmy will fucking roll over and die within the year.
Honestly, I’d tolerate an adless grey timer, you don’t even have to trick it that time has passed.
Just open in another tab, wait for skip option, skip (but probably not in a perfectly timed robotic way), then pause. Grey and silent midroll would be annoying but still tolerable.
People who know programming and how far it can go seem to sometimes trap themselves in very difficult problems that would be great to solve, but undervalue a version without that complicated luxury.
I’m all for trying to solve it, but a tool that doesn’t is still good. I just don’t want to be aware of what the companies want to make me aware of.
Only thing I know about RCS is that it has caused a few of my texts to never be sent, because the “send as normal text if RCS doesn’t work” also didn’t work. Other than that it has done nothing for me.
I guess the two categories didn’t cover the whole space of possibilities.
But many cases are clear-cut.
Yeah, there’s a significant difference between a recording and generating.
You’re gonna be reductive about it as if AI hasn’t ALREADY USED TASKRABBIT TO TRICK A HUMAN INTO SOLVING A CAPTCHA???
GPT has already neutralized our primary defence, it can now do anything.
Nobody seriously expects Lemmy to last that much longer than Voat and similar “alternatives”.
I’m not giving any of these a chance.
There was a period of a few months around the 60 minutes interview with the pilots where I was pretty sad and bored, and it hit just the right spot for me to feel some hope that the world is interesting.
It would actually have happened an infinite amount of times already, if either the universe is infinite, or there are infinite universes.