I think the problem is that theres a lot of niche communities created for an exodus from Reddit that didnt really happen.
If you search for a certain community and find that yeah it exists but nobody has posted there in 6 months…
I think the problem is that theres a lot of niche communities created for an exodus from Reddit that didnt really happen.
If you search for a certain community and find that yeah it exists but nobody has posted there in 6 months…
Yeah I agree that example borders on harassment. But also the line on just how much filming of someone in public, what they are doing, why the filming is taking place, etc, is currently not very well defined from a legal perspective. Thats the point. At what point does someones right to film or take photographs in public become harassment or a violation of the privacy of other people? Thats what needs to be examined.
Theres some ragebait youtuber who goes up to strangers, stands about 4 or 5 feet away and just starts filming them. If they tell him not to he keeps filming, if they walk away he follows them, if they go to a cop he just walks off and if they smack him in the face he presses charges and sues… and he posts their reactions to his filming as his content.
The existing laws on photography in public are like you said, about a century old. They arent written with almost the entire first world having a hd camcorder on them at all times. They predate any form of mass communication short of the newspaper.
Id argue that something has to be done, im not sure what but the laws are out of date, it should not be legal for youtube “pranksters” to not blur peoples faces without getting release forms and then profiting off the content.
I use a Samsung because I dont give a fuck about my data personally. Its better because I expect companies that have me as a paying customer to use my data internally, its the onselling to literally anyone with enough money that bothers me.
That bothers me less though.
Apple “Ok yeah we’re gonna keep your data and mine it. But just us” is a whole lot better than “Lol, your shits for sale” which is Google.
The market for people who NEED printers is shrinking. Last concert I went to I had the QR code ticket in my phone, I havent printed map directions in at least 15 years and I literally cannot remember the last item I needed to print at home.
But they also cant say “Oh well, we had a good 30 year run with home printers” they have to keep making more than last year, so they have to get increasingly predatory.
So is the dating scene in Arkansas.
Bricking it would be a legal minefield for them, they wouldnt dare. But making literally anything to do with servicing, updates and repairs such a colossal ball ache that its easier and cheaper to just pay for the heated seats…
I did speak a little broadly, they couldnt deny you the warranty on the wheel bearings or purely mechanical parts but they dont need to prove that the jailbreaking is the cause of literally anything electrical going to shit, they just need to say “That item is controlled by software that has been modified outside of manufacturers specifications, we are refusing to honor the warranty on this item”
Same with servicing “As this vehicle has been modified outside of our recommended parameters we cannot guarantee our repairs and as such we recommend the customer seek an alternative mechanical workshop for servicing and repairs”
Oh sure, you could fight it and win, you might join a class action and get $8 in 3 years time. Or… just dont jailbreak their product and make your life hell. I absolutely disagree with this subscription and paywall bullshit, but I do not underestimate the tomfuckery that big companies will pull to fuck customers.
Very Pretty Neice/Nephew?
Unlikely, but expect to see more language in sales contracts that “if absolutely any of the software is fucked with in absolutely any way that wasnt done by us the vehicles warranty is absolutely null and void. We also reserve the right to refuse to provide any and all parts and services to any vehicle found to have had its software modified outside of factory parameters.” And you best believe they will keep a list of vins and wont care if it was the previous owner.
Song written by an Italian intended to sound like american accented english but its intentionally gibberish.
Yeah I fully expect to see genre specific LLMs that have a subscription fee attatched squarely aimed at hobbies and industries.
When I finally find my new project car I would absolutely pay for a subscription to an LLM that has read every service manual and can explain to me in plain english what precise steps the job involves and can also answer followup questions.
To answer you seriously (and these are out of date figures from memory) that in Australia all it would take to give everyone UBI is to tax every dollar outside of that people make starting at 30%. (Currently its 19% after your first 18k. goes to 32% over 45k and 37% over 120k and 45% after that)
The positives are that
People can retire younger, meaning upward job mobility is greatly improved.
The cost of means testing, managing welfare and aged pensions and combating fraud of those systems effectively vanishes.
Students could afford to study full time and work only part time or not at all AND pay their rent meaning a better educated population.
It effectively combats the minimum wage being too low. Its ok for part time baristas to make the minimum when the govt is making sure that people are already at “survival”.
It indirectly funds the arts. Lets be real, how many great musicians had to stop chasing their dreams because it was "practice or go to work and eat.
For example. Some guy making 100k a year and paying about $25k in tax currently. Under the 30% arrangement would pay 30k in tax, but the ubi would pay about $20k a year. So still $15k in front. I’m no accountant but I think for you to be worse off you have to be on about $200k a year or more.
People thinking Elon isnt playing some sort of long game need to ask themselves one question. “If he is just acting like a bored edgelord with too much money. What are the odds that every last decision would be detrimental to the platform?”
Surely, even if by accident. He would make one good decision.
Being able to filter by language would also be super helpful.
Im sure the Swedish gaming community is great, some lovely Svens and Ingas but I dont speak swedish. Being able to autofilter subs by default language would be awesome.
No fucking idea, we’re all paid hourly. Some people like to flex on the others “I did 200 in 6 hours” and some really dont want to do overtime. Some also want to smash through their work and go grab a coffee and play with their phone for 2 hours.
I can jump on anyones route, go do their workload slowly and methodically and get back within an hour of clock off. You have to properly take the piss to get dragged into the bosses office.
Yeah thats all I’m saying, that even IF your only goal is to improve safety they absolutely work. If you’re also looking to micromanage, slavedrive and violate your staffs privacy you can use them for that too, but thats on you not to be evil.
However I do work for a company that has in vehicle cameras and DEAR GOD does it cut down on incidents. We kept having issues with drivers just doing dumb little things to try and save time. like knocking the shifter into neutral and pulling on the handbrake instead of pressing the button on the shifter and moving it into park. Just to be clear, the company has a really lax time/delivery expectation. If you work at a safe, reasonable pace and dont fuck up nobody gets upset with you. But senior management did the math that each driver had to drag out an extra 2 hours a day for it to cost us more than what we spent on compo/vehicle repairs the year before. Once the van had a camera, we saw a 70% reduction in incidents in the following 12 months.
Because there are people out there that make FUCKING TERRIBLE decisions. You ever see someone at a big box store trying to load a $3000 tv into a car that has plastic bags taped over missing windows? Or someone parking a brand new car next to their dilapidated doublewide? Those people.
And you will get people taking them up on this to put it in the man cave or the rumpus room thinking they are being slick and gaming the system “lol, its not even my main tv!” not even realising the sheer volume of data they are handing over that way and that wether you like it or not advertisers spend bilions on getting into your head without you thinking its working.
I do wonder if its a help or a hinderance though.
If someone wanted to start a community they might actually do something to generate interest, nobody wants to put the effort in to build up a community that the mod can just ban them from or they look and go “Its not that theres nothing, theres just no interest.”