I think you might find this comment by one of the OBS upstream devs interesting:
I think you might find this comment by one of the OBS upstream devs interesting:
I mean sure, we could talk about Google’s motivations, I’m not a fan of their sycophancy either.
But I don’t think it matters. In a civil suit first of all President Sheinbaum would have to assert a tort against Google, and for that you need to demonstrate you were damaged due to anothers wrongdoing or at least negligence.
So yes, it actually is about the harm. And if that is given, then they still have to argue, that it was wrongful or at least negligent to add the “sensitive country” name of the area to Google Maps. But I don’t think there are any laws that restrict Google or any other private mappers to using any source of information in particular, so that will be hard.
Of course they are morally bankrupt, but legally I just don’t see anything significant happening.
And in the meantime the executive order had the intended effect of making the U.S. Board on Georgraphic Names change the name in their systems, so Google can use that as a fig leaf too
I’m not suggesting she should kiss ass, far be it from me. But I still don’t see a good motive for this move. A civil suit is not going to get her anything, she’s just highlighting Trumps symbolic bullshit even more.
And then when the suit either goes against her or goes for her but results in laughibly low compensation because the measureable harm is not significant, then it will look like a confirmation of the power of the convict in chief.
Yeah the companies obsoleting stuff are never worried about cutting off customers anyway. Fuck em.
Oh yeah that sounds brilliant. Not like that market needs a stable regulatory environment for their massive investrment to come to fruition. I’m sure it will inspire a lot of confidence in investments in the US chip market when he alters the deal after billions of sunk cost.
Yeah they don’t, since they are fabless. Same as Nvidia or Apple. They all design chips.
So it just obsoletes them for the model users that buy ebooks from Amazon and put them on their Amazon device without conversion in between. Even though this user group should be Amazon’s favourites.
lol, lmao even.
The article opens with saying only 25% of the fuel’s energy gets used by the motor, 75% is in the heat of the exhaust. I’ll take that as a given. Let’s assume a small motor (in this inventions favour) with a nominal power of only 60 kW, running only at half tilt, 30 kW.
That gives us 90 kW in the exhaust heat by the numbers of the article. So the 56 W it captured in the simulation would be 0.046% of the total 120 kW power being converted by burning the fuel, raising the efficiency from 25% to 25.046%.
The headline is so massively overstated it’s basically just a lie. If the device was built, not just simulated, and you’d manage to substitute part of the alternator’s ouput with the thermoelectic generator’s output, the effect on fuel economy would be below the measurable level.
Oh, sorry. You’re right. I was wrong on that point. I didn’t realize it showed the sensitive label in parenthesis to others.
I would maintain the rest of the argument though, with the Mexican (and global) point of view being the more prominently displayed, there is no significant harm, and she doesn’t stand to gain anything from pursuing a civil case, nor politically.
This is stupid. Google is doing it with their normal process, labeling the USA as a sensitive country in their system and changing the label only for the sensitive snowflakes. So there is no harm to Mexicans in Mexico. (this was wrong, it’s show globally in parenthesis, see below)
What sort of damages would she assert anyway? That her country suffers in a significant way from a Google Maps label that can only be seen from the sensitive country? How so?
And if it’s a political move what is she hoping to achieve? Google will never cave to the USA before Mexico, they depend more on their US operations than their Mexican ones. So she can’t achieve anything politically. Does she want to draw even more attention to a losing fight? A losing fight over mere symbolism no less? Why?
22 Ampere is pretty much half the power draw of the card, through one wire instead of three if the load was properly balanced between them.
Apparently the reference design only has one current shunt, so they can’t even measure the imbalance. Madness.
A German guy on YouTube
You probably mean der8auer?
I can really recommend both der8auers video and Buildzoids video on this. Der8auer has good thermal imaging of imbalanced current between the wires between two 12V HPWR plugs, and Buildzoid has the explanation why the current can’t be balanced with the current setup on 5090s.
I remember reading articles at the time of the last patents running out. Some were so misguided it was hilarious.
They called it the death of MP3! As if patents were good or necessary, instead of restrictive and troublesome for interoperability.
Alternatively WikiToko would be cute
I’m working on long range stuff so I’m not so familiar with PON specifically. Maybe I made some bad assumptions. Stable at -30 dBm receive sounds really impressive.
The one I was talking about is this, with 18.5 dB total budget, that is, min +4.5 dBm transmit, and min -14 dBm receive. This one is built with an APD.
In my kind of application, without splitter, this will get you about 30-40 km. We’ve got one of a slightly older type with 18 dB budget running between Fribourg and Bern for example.
I realize that PON stuff is quite different with the time slitting and I think wavelenght splitting too, at least in XGS-PON, but I was thinking the pure laser and diode physics would need to be the same.
For -25 dBm minimum the most similar of the ones we currently have would be this one which manages -26.9 dBm and is one of the ones with a SOA built in, or for the 10G stuff this one, which manages min -23 dBm but with only an APD and no SOA.
I’m thinking their 50G stuff must be closer to 100G than 10G transceiver design. So I wonder if they manage to make it without SOA.
I wonder if they use semiconductor optical amplifiers in the receivers, or if they can make do with avalanche photodiodes.
The 100G stuff I’m looking at has 18.5 dB budget with APDs, that seems rough considering you want a few kilometers of fiber, a few splices and a few connectors (probably LC/APC) as well.
I’m sure I have the same ISP as you, but so far I didn’t splurge to buy 10G or 25G gear.
If you don’t mind telling, what router and switches did you go for?
Or did you go the Michael Stapelberg route?
Yeah that does seem a bit weird, my four year old RX 6800 has 16 GB VRAM already
Ah I’m glad to see the situation seems to have cooled a little.
See this comment and the three following, as well as this one and the two following. I think they can now work it out between the projects reasonably.
PS: This more fundamental proposal for Fedora Workstation that started from the OBS packaging issue is also interesting to read. It seems they are looking to make more limited / focused use of their own Flatpak remote in the future since some old assumptions regarding Flatpaks and Flathub don’t hold so well anymore.