Based on what? All apps just look like this now. If you blurred the content and told me this was the Netflix app, I’d be like yeah checks out.
Based on what? All apps just look like this now. If you blurred the content and told me this was the Netflix app, I’d be like yeah checks out.
Things like unit tests I just have AI do it all now. Since running the test tells you your coverage you can verify if it got everything or not.
Decoder podcast which this is from and specifically Nilay Patel is awesome, if you’re not subscribed check it out
There’s a good episode a few months back where the CEO of Logitech tries to justify the mouse subscription.
He’s also one of the hosts of the Vergecast
I did get an email from HIBP so at the very least they got my email
Hell yea. Our unit test coverage went way up because you can blow through test creation in second. I had a large complicated migration from one data set to another with specific mutations based on weird rules and GPT got me 80% of the way there and with a little nudging basically got it perfect. Code that would’ve taken a few hours took about 6 prompts. If I’m curious about a new library I can get a working example right away to see how everything fits together. When these articles say there’s no benefit I feel people aren’t using these tools or don’t know how to use them effectively.
I love this. I feel like the internet used to be full of these crazy little art projects.
I’ve got one on the way Best Buy screwed up the pre-order and didn’t get enough stock in so I’m left waiting. But yea seems like by all accounts it’s roughly the size of a regular phone plus you get a small tablet when you want.
Just don’t connect it to the internet and it’s a dumb display, simple as that
Yea I’ve got a 65" OLED with Dolby Vision. I’d have a hard time going back to anything else. But why even worry about smart features at all when an offline TV is effectively the same as a monitor anyway for less money and more entertainment specific features.
It definitely does, it pulls satellite data of the whole world
Exactly. Furthermore they’d probably just include it in those instructions “Step 1: when the box pops up with clipboard press allow”
Exactly, copy requires a click but there’s no rule that the copy button has to look like anything particular
Probably throttled for free and paid if you want the speed to stream video. Still though, I’d take that. Would be great for just checking messages and emails and stuff.
I’ve also just learned over the years that I just don’t go back to stuff all that much. If I finish a game, that’s it I’m done. If I really want to go back in 20 years there’s probably a PC port since there are very few console exclusives or just emulation.
I’m one of those people. I just can’t be arsed to get up off the couch and put a game in. After work and kids I’m beat and just want to pick something and start playing.
“Const my function equals opening parenthesis opening curly brace argh closing curly brace closing parenthesis… fat arrow…”
It’s about to be a lot more with the chrome manifest update. I got my dad into chrome some 15 years ago and explaining why he should switch to Firefox is completely confusing for him. He thinks his own business listing on Google won’t work if he’s not using Chrome.
I’m just looking forward to watching movies on my phone during a long commute.
Phone wouldn’t work for me, I’ve got a strict no phone around the TV rule for myself because I’m way too tempted to just use it instead of enjoying the thing I’m watching. Also wouldn’t really want to put an Xbox controller onto my wife or step mother.
I wish there was some kind of application you could run that would abstract all the mouse and keyboard interactions into a remote control friendly interface.
So did someone make this with AI 🤔