How is it driving without turn signals? Granted, given they put them as buttons on the friggin steering wheel in the new Teslas, maybe not much different?
How is it driving without turn signals? Granted, given they put them as buttons on the friggin steering wheel in the new Teslas, maybe not much different?
Is a combo of ublock lite and Vivaldi’s own blocker insufficient? They made updates to allow custom lists, I think. What about a network wide blocker like a pihole or adguard.
But it’s not sending images. It’s content recognition, so it can tell you’re on a bank site but not decipher your password if it showed briefly
Reverb G2 owner here. Also, fuck Microsoft and Fuuuuuuck HP.
They allow for multiple user profiles in one account and multiple concurrent streams. A family plan by any other name.
You’d think they’d have tried a better case then. They lost in the court of public opinion as soon as it was about bereavement and their argument that the chatbot on their own site is a separate legal entity they aren’t responsible for is pants on head stupid.
In a way, we should be grateful they bungled it and are held liable, other companies may be held to the same standard in the future.
The MBAs are just becoming the landlords now. The"lol get their pound of flesh if we stay in or go out.
No C suite bonuses if layoff happened within the year and no share buybacks for companies who initiated layoffs in that year either.
That was the most non-judgemental and logical answer I’ve seen in a while to vaccine hesitancy, nice work.
There is no value in spaghetti piled on top of rotten spaghetti. Tech iCal debt is real and if you’re just shippin it and plan to fix it later, y’all gonna have a bad time. Nothing more permanent than a temporary workaround.
Microsoft will embrace (extend and then extinguish) them all with OpenArms.
Sounds more like their definition of AI stands for Artificial Incompetence to me.
have the author address issues after the merge.
Hahahahahahaha. Sorry, you’ve merged, next ticket, PM needs shiny results for execs this QBR!
This is how bug backlogs grow.
I see Lemmy has implemented Reddit’s security settings. Impressive.
It doesn’t surprise me to read this, but it does surprise me you’d write it without citing sources. Got any you can share to help others educate themselves?
Samsungs printer biz got bought by HP IIRC. I have a 3405w and drivers are only from HP now
Cause after I have 60 tabs open I can still tell what they are cause I can read the title, not just see the fav icon.
Praise Vivaldi
you mean hot local MIGs, right?
Turn signals aren’t for you, they’re for other drivers. I can’t hear the other car yelling at their driver, I just see them decide to cut into my lane with no warning or signal.