Aye, the difference between me, diagnosed in preteens, and my friend, diagnosed at 3, is immense. I still have the odd craving and sometimes indulge with stupid results. She? Never even crosses her mind.
Aye, the difference between me, diagnosed in preteens, and my friend, diagnosed at 3, is immense. I still have the odd craving and sometimes indulge with stupid results. She? Never even crosses her mind.
Lol, just around the corner is right. My doctor, waaaay back in the 90s, said a cure was 10-15 years away. I think it’s just language they use. Especially when they are talking to the extremely sick/depressed who just learned what they have.
That’s a culture-thing. I’m a member of two forums that are still pretty active. One views dead thread revivals as amusing, the other almost literally has a celebration in-thread when it happens as all the members with older posts in it come piling in. Heck, the second forum has a thread so active that people literally ask for, and get, recaps for the last X amount of time for it.
That just…seems so wrong. My mentally declining grandmother used firefox back in the 00s era (though now that I think about it, my uncle is a developer, so maybe he set up the computer). How have we backslid since then to where so few people know/use firefox?
I took it to mean people who earn that much per year. The average person working a $30k+ job should have more than a million in the bank at retirement, and that should have been enough to retire on comfortably. Now I’m being told it’s more than 1.5-2 million dollars at retirement.
“They’re pretty open about that” doesn’t quite cut it, when I’ve seen examples in this lemmy post alone of people discovering the fact. We need removable batteries.
Half the fun is seeing how people try to fuck with you, and fucking with them back. Burner phone, though, never a real connection that you care about.
I have little doubt that apple still uses things like wi-fi and bluetooth even if they are completely turned off. I complained when they made the change to the control panel. If I want bluetooth or wifi off, no button I push should turn it off partially or for “24 hours.”
Customer taste preferences are definitely odd. I liked their pizza before the change, and really liked it afterwards.