Do the opposite, don’t make eye contact and walk fast. The good old fashioned diarrhea walk. Anyone tries to stop you, tell them whatever poop related excuse comes to mind.
Do the opposite, don’t make eye contact and walk fast. The good old fashioned diarrhea walk. Anyone tries to stop you, tell them whatever poop related excuse comes to mind.
Oh god, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Thanks stranger. 🤮
I don’t miss the often-regurgitated response of “Gee, thanks stranger” that Redditers would say after receiving gold. It would always annoy me.
That’s some Minority Report type shit, scary stuff.
We’re contributing some much hot content to Lemmy rn. ;)
Sometimes it’s smart to be stupid…or I guess not smart with everything.
Sometimes it’s smart to be “stupid.”
Where’s Jeeves when you need him? 🤡
Look at you, getting us antisocial lurkers to reply. You clever girl, you. ;)
Oh my gourd!