Is powershell “legacy”?
Is powershell “legacy”?
OK, I’ve read the wiki entry but I still don’t understand what KVM is, or why it’s needed. The last time I visited a data center - every server rack came with a laptop-esque looking control unit. What problem does KVM comes to solve? What does this invention improve upon a traditional KVM?
“Show my ad to hornly lonely 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
“Here is a list of 13 y/o that suffer from Tourette”
One of these options is less profitable for an ad network in the long run.
Morse to QR code my gentleman.
They can’t give a reward for a “oh shit we’re running out of hedge fund money, we need to stay solvent , let’s sell out our user’s data”
While “erase Gaza” is a correct translation , the “leave it to us” part isn’t. A better translation is “leave us be” ie GTFO Bibi.
Serious question - I haven’t touched my Xbox one for about 4 years , it wasn’t powered and wasn’t connected to the internet - I would love to jailbreak it and run Linux on it. Can it be done?
as it’s seen as a threat to the tech that the US can influence or outright exert control over
Someone should tell about this astounding development
Why do people humble brag about their password strength, but then tell the whole world how to construct rainbow tables designed to crack their passwords?
Oh man… I X my Z on the regular 😀
You dropped this \
Got optic to SFP bridge from my ISP (only because I insisted on using my own router) , that was fed into SFP to RJ45 adapter that I have bought (via Amazon - apparantly the ISP’s have lobbied to not import it here) and then connected my router.
That went somehow ok untill I switched ISPs , now the optic cable is fed into an ISP provided decryption module , paired specifically to the mac address of my router.
It’s like the ISPs went onboard with upgrading to optic because they could excert more control over their customers.
And if it can, are there any cipher suites that are quantom-proof?
The irony…
Here’s how the title is shown on Jerboa
Bugs, Security, & Reliability
It is legacy boot MODE inside UEFI. Turning this thing on does nothing in regard to the exploit.
OMFG Someone pleaae fork FF and make this one a reality