That’s how it looks on my end too, I wanted it to look like the tumbler tags. I wasn’t aware it was supposed to be a mark down, would have changed it if I knew, but Lemmy didn’t really seem to know that either. Except for the one you uses.
That’s how it looks on my end too, I wanted it to look like the tumbler tags. I wasn’t aware it was supposed to be a mark down, would have changed it if I knew, but Lemmy didn’t really seem to know that either. Except for the one you uses.
Where was the shouting?
Yeah that sucks.
So the Tumblr tags will finally reach their true form.
#Yep finally they can all have their multi paragraphs long tags and have them working as they want them to work
While I haven’t seen any of those communities on Lemmy yet, but what about communities that crosspost but for the completely different reasons. Like a post from “We love X” getting crossposted and made fun of over at “X is stupid”. Those two really shouldn’t be sharing up and down votes, and when we are at it what about downvotes? That makes bringing and bullying extremely easily and how would it be handled between places where one has down votes and the other have them turned off.
I stopped hanging out in most tech communities for the same reason. Thinking of quiting a few more and a few game ones, the behaviour has started dripping in.
Now I don’t like your tone. Your probably one of those people, who vote for the other party.
Maybe they wanted something off Lemmy so that the attackers can’t target both the main and the backup, with the same system.
With my very limited understanding of it, I believe Discord was something mostly for “as we are down so much, you can get updates here if we are down”.
If someone else wants to censor America social media it is extremely wrong, bad and against freedom of speech.
If America wants to censor someone else’s social media it is the correct and good thing to do, because it protects people.
Had tiktok been American it would have been wrong to try to censor it, but no it is not so then it is good to censor it.
Your application looks good; you just need to write an ending for the following sentence: " Fuck …"
I believe that it is the same type of people that don’t want stuff like infinite ammo cheat codes, easier difficultis or other similar options in games, because they think it makes it to easy and boring. If you don’t want to activate god mode don’t do it, but don’t go acting like a completely optional thing, somehow is mandatory and required.