Has Indonesia still blocked Reddit as well?
Has Indonesia still blocked Reddit as well?
The selective reasoning here amazes me to no end. It’s always Twitter bad, Elon bad, but nobody seems to care about the giant government-circlejerk (or reacharound if you prefer that image) that was uncovered via the Twitter files after Elon Musk took over.
So it’s okay to censor and lie doing the government’s bidding, sometimes even preemptively, but it’s not okay to rebrand your company after all this massive pile of shit was uncovered?
Just LOL
Enhance S3XY Buttons would like to have a word.
Yeah only with a Tesla you don’t have to drive to a Tesla shop and wait for an hour or even days, you get an OTA update.
Just one image per hour without signing up… not the greatest choice if you ask me, because there’s no way to gauge its potential with just one try.
You must have experienced a different Germany than I have. Lots of incompetent or asshole drivers on the roads. IMO that has nothing (very little) to do with driver education, and everything to do with drivers‘ mentality, as it’s very different regionally within Germany.
Rules also don’t help if not enforced. What are you suggesting? Lower the speed limit another 10, so they can now go 30 above instead of 20?
I once repaired an all-in-one PC with a display I bought online. Wasn’t particularly hard but takes a while if you’re doing it for the first time. Try googling your monitor type and „display“ and see if there are replacements available.
So who’s the one who gets to decide who does more harm than good in this world and therefore gets their life risked more? Maybe the fact that you own at least a phone puts you on the bad and immoral 50% of all humanity?
And what exactly habe his kids done to mankind?
I would argue that easy access to that kind of information lowers the threshold to act as it might seem more of an opportunity.
I find it strange how most people seem fine with this kind of thing. It’s probably safe to assume there are threats against Elon Musks life, and against that of his kids, not to mention the risk of abduction or worse. Tracking his plane makes it all the more easier.
So again… what’s wrong with you that you not only don’t see the harm, but even seem to celebrate this as some kind of twisted sweet revenge for actions that haven’t even harmed you in any way?
I still think my two illuminated K800s are the best keyboards I’ve ever had. When they brake I’m pretty sure I’ll buy more of them.
Yes, if the projected range is more optimistic than reality, it’s always because I drive faster than 120-130 kph. Otherwise it’s absolutely spot on or even better than projected, for example if I drive 100-110 kph for a while.