You might need glasses then
Evil tankie and Stalin’s little spoon
You might need glasses then
Nononono, you don’t get it, it’s the adult thing to hold your nose and vote for the polite fascist. That way we get to go back to grilling and not caring how we actively make the world worse
Increased customer data collection, an ai “assistant” that might require registry editing to remove (I already did this once to kill Cortana for good), and it will require me to reformat my os drive. If I have to reformat and do a fresh install I might as well change OS and be free of their fucking ads as well.
Yup, I’ll be moving over rather than go to win11, ads on my lock screen and search bar nearly made me jump from win10 and there is no way in hell I going to even try to deal with clippy3.0/cortana2.0
No, Cuban slang for the pro-american exiles is Guasano (worm)