Probably people who see a big banner about uBO no longer being supported in Chrom(e)ium
Probably people who see a big banner about uBO no longer being supported in Chrom(e)ium
Shottr is legit. It’s really amazing that there aren’t more decent screenshotting tools when they’re so incredibly useful. People would rather just take a picture of their screen and upload it that way :cringe:
The founder of Honey no longer owns Honey, and hasn’t for some time. It’s owned by PayPal, a much more notoriously shady company that some people still use for some reason.
He was also called out on it, and even ADMITTED it! (Apologized) Then said he would be more open in the future. Note he didn’t say he would change, only that he would hide it less! Fool me once…
None of that ever happened. In fact he regularly declines sponsorships from various companies with ethical conflicts.
Also the incident where he was a total asshole to a small cooler developer, and used the prototype wrongly, then wouldn’t deliver it back, despite that was the agreement, and it was a pretty expensive prototype to make for a small company, and then he auctioned it away!
When you run a large company, this sort of dumb shit happens. He has since apologized, made the victim whole (or as whole as can be) and hired a CEO to handle logistics. You act like it was done maliciously.
I’ve been boycotting Apple since 1997
Don’t forget to mention Linux. Literally eveywhere.
Those “Solar generator” systems are all grossly overpriced. Look at something like this instead
According to the fedidb, it’s about the same.
The answer is (currently) ~42k monthly active users.
A note: I have entirely automated background updates. I have no idea how often it checks, or how often it updates.
This is one place where AI actually makes sense
Hence it is not a reasonable solution.
No one’s hating on anything. If you actually read my comment I expressed precisely the opposite, while answering OPs question.
Like call up someone in another building ‘hey plug the jet into tower X so I can remote in?’
The whole idea is you don’t need anyone local. You leave it plugged in 24/7 so that’s it’s accessible remotely, as needed.
All those TLDs cost money
Point three: not true
Yes it is
My blog is TLD
I didn’t say every service was this way
what’s the problem with a subdomain?
Nothing. The problem is when they make you use both.
Nothing in your comment would make mine “inaccurate”.
Some of these points are inaccurate.
…any specific ones?
the XMPP chat is more responsive
I didn’t even know there was an XMPP chat, but any chat seems like an awful way to get support…
timezone can cause delays
We’re not talking about hours here, we’re talking about days/weeks or months.
I’ve tried them all and it’s overall the best but still has a whole lot of room for improvement
You don’t need to add a motherboard, case or PSU, the first item is an entire mini PC, minus ram and storage.
The RAM and storage was just a suggestion. Change them up as you prefer.
There’s also another model if you don’t need HDD that comes with an aluminum heatsink/enclosure, for an extra $20.
What ads are they replacing? I didn’t hear anything about that.