Yeah, thanks to steve bannon, elon musk and facebook
Yeah, thanks to steve bannon, elon musk and facebook
I’ve actually tried everything that was recommended here, but AnySoftKeyboard still fits me the best.
Does it connect to HomeAssistant?
But the battery technology did improve in these years.
Hi I didn’t know this project!
You’ll not be disappointed
Stellarium is an amazing planetarium program, almost unbelivable it’s open source.
But it’s android port is a bit disappointing, to be honest.
Yeah, but at least they permit you to use the right mouse button.
I wonder how much the success of Thunderbird affect Firefox
Why locked? Proton mail does’nt have a protocol?
Seems to be a wrapper around this: https://github.com/dearhive/dearflip-js-flipbook
Someone let me out of my cage
Love your progress!
The Streisand effect, with less steps
Well… yeah!
The inestors maximize their shares value. It’s wonderfull
That’s great!
Yeah, that’s what I’ve meant: the issue with generative ai is how it is being used, another issue is the lack of compensation to stolen training data. But these are human / capitalist set of incentives problems.
As a developer it helpd me countless of times, by helping me understand legacy code, or new concepts, in a chatty way, by helping me write corporate friendly formal emails. I use it to recommend and discover music or just mindlessly chatting with it about nothing. The technology is genuinely useful. (I do click stack overflow and other sites links when it provides, and turned off my ad blocker for some sites)