First UNIX was QNX, random free CD on a magazine.
First Linux was Mandrake 7.0, then moved to RedHat, then distro hopped for about…20-25 years so far I guess :-p
First UNIX was QNX, random free CD on a magazine.
First Linux was Mandrake 7.0, then moved to RedHat, then distro hopped for about…20-25 years so far I guess :-p
I feel selinux should be able to do something clever here, like it can manage/block port access.
I know a guy who just says he stacks shelves at Tesco as he cannot be bothred to explain 😂
I’m not Canadian, but as a Brit I also say Zed instead of Zee but I’ve never heard someone say Zed instead of Zero. WTF.
It was handy until I realised it installs to the user profile instead of system-wide. Reverted to chocolatey.
regularise users to a proprietary intermediary management system.
I don’t understand what this means.
This drove me up the wall. And, I hate to admit it, but I’ve let Apple win. I use Windoze for work so I’ve swapped @ and " to be the same as Apple UK, and if I run Linux I choose the Apple UK layout as well. It’s just…easier rather than having to reset my muscle memory every day.
I just start every command with a space, don’t see the issue.
I’ll probably not use it until they have a CDKTF equivalent, but it’s good to see progress.
This is kinda how I feel about Windows these days. It’s interface, directory structure, shudder the registry, user specific apps (from MS Store or Winget), buttons being inserted into the menu bars on some apps, but not others, button sizes being different sizes, some parts still using the Metro interface. The whole thing either needs a re-write, or should be dropped and something new to replace it. Don’t even get me started on things like the eventvwr hanging for 20 seconds after it opens, event tracer API, their in-house abandonment of powershell modules once powershell was open sourced, Windows containers being a disaster, etc.
raises pendantic finger Ah-hem, sorry, but KDE Plasma isn’t an OS. It’s a desktop environment. For an OS bundled/built-around Plasma then Kubuntu or KDE Neon are both Linux distributions that would better fit that description.
An OpenVPN profile generator with valid client certificate and the private key never leaves the client workstation.
I don’t think you need to learn it, you just need to use one command. Even from a CMD prompt you can invoke powershell and a powershell cmdlet in a one-liner:
powershell send-mailmessage -from "" -To "" -subject "Test to me" -smtpserver
Is there a reason not to use PowerShell?
Code storage. They’re keeping bugzilla.
Curious, how will AWS be affected? I’m not familiar with all of Hashicorp’s tools. Mostly just Terraform (and obvs AWS had Cloud Formation, then CDK - they even worked with HashiCorp I believe to build CDKTF).
Ohh, I don’t know if I would recommend it in this day and age, it’s very basic and over 20 years old haha!
I learned JavaScript waaaay back when from this book. I used to carry that around in my rucksack at high school :-\ it’s a load-balancer (it only allows access to devices behind it based on rules).
I’m always hopeful, but there was another state/city in Germany (Munich I think?) that tried to do this a long time ago, then after 10 years of not being able to move entirely over, they moved back to MS, then I think they tried again. Really flip-flopped a lot. I think stuff like this needs to be more organic in its movement rather than big bangs and milestones. Just let it creep in and take over.