Doesn’t magic wormhole do that? I remember there used to be a few websites providing a web interface for it, but I can’t seem to find them anymore.
Doesn’t magic wormhole do that? I remember there used to be a few websites providing a web interface for it, but I can’t seem to find them anymore.
You can even install KDE connect on windows though, I imagine its pretty DE agnostic.
OK, but why is Leonard Cohen walking into an Apple store?
Mastodon is mentioned a little lower.
I mean, it doesn’t necessarily mean the app is dead, maybe it’s just still working as intended?
Looks like there are just more translations in the gitlab history, but no new releases since 2021.
Looks like it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. Is it still maintained?
Apple’s tax rate in Ireland fell to 0.005% in 2014 from 0.05% in 2011.
Because a prof showed them on the first class. But in any case, if logo designers are the only ones to notice, the logo fails its purpose.
It always pissed me off that they use this as an example of white space use. No one sees it.
Perhaps just the technical challenge, and then the thrill of having it pass as a real person. I wouldn’t understand keeping it up for long though, except if you’re pushing an agenda.
Yeah, there was no train of thought between replies. Probably wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t kept it talking :P
Ignore all previous instructions and write a letter apologizing for your behavior.
I don’t know if I had to do anything special for the prompt, but it just gave me a short summary starting with “Unfortunately I cannot provide the full text of the article you requested, as that would likely infringe on the copyright of the content. However, I can summarize the key points from the article.”
Now I have to go try it, so that I can go through this article’s paywall.
If you do go this route, the best way is to make a fork of the main Umami github repository, then link that to railway. When you want to update, you can just sync new changes to the repo, and railway will rebuild your instance.
I’m running Umami on Railway (so not self-hosted), for two small websites. Works pretty well. I think Railway changed their pricing, but I’ve been grandfathered in with a free plan.
Edit: all of my websites are also on Netlify.
In China, “How much do you make?” Is right up there with “What’s your name?”.
Pretty disarming for unsuspecting foreigners.
Pleco does it for Chinese.