Good. ‘Lawful’ interception is total nonsense. They’d have a camera up everyone’s ass if they could.
As it is our TVs bloody listen to us…1984 is here.
Good. ‘Lawful’ interception is total nonsense. They’d have a camera up everyone’s ass if they could.
As it is our TVs bloody listen to us…1984 is here.
10 tricks to speed up your cpu and trim belly fat. Electrical engineers hate them! Invest now! Start up is called ‘DefinitelyNotAScam’.
Hah doubtful
Windows 10 will be the last I work on. I work in tech and won’t accept 11 as a work environment either.
Hmmm I couldn’t get it to boot off the usb till I’d set up win11. I didn’t know I could refund w11 or I’d have tried harder!
Literally just picked up a new laptop and immediately uninstalled windows 11. Drivers will be fiddly but it’s already working fine.
I will never use the privacy ffest that is win 11.
Shut up epic
Plug it in and use it you say?
The scales are always off and unnecessary anyway. They factor shrinkage into the price.
Toshiba oddly enough. I’ve been burnt by the big names like Seagate a few times now.
Self checkouts are the worst! Perfect example of bad engineering. I had the shower thought the other day that perhaps they design them to be slow and crappy so they can gather more biometric and video data of us at the checkout 🤔
Seriously though there is a whole branch of hardware engineering that specialises in making things intuitive and user friendly…even for the special needs (apple customers)
Factoring in intuitive functions is part of proper engineering
If the user can’t figure it out you built it wrong
Microplastics bio-accumulate and act like oestrogen. 😬
Kanye has entered the chat.
Chinese trolls and bots are not your imagination.
Facebook is wildly unpopular on here and you’re still being downvoted
You’re wrong and don’t have the technical knowledge to understand why and I can’t be asked explaining it.
Relax, it won’t affect that case.
Thanks. Yeah that was odd
Nah .ml dying is great for the fediverse. Actually the denizens of .ml dying irl would be great for the world too