i used to exploit that a lot
uh im juan i made this for an event i couldnt participate in…for actual content go to https://ihatetehbsod.neocities.org
i used to exploit that a lot
i should try that one out someday
ughhhhh yes this is so annoying (randompcb and me have become the classroom’s tech support ugh)
makes sense though. the definition on english speakers and js devs is accurate, english derived from german and js derived from java.
amateurs, i write my software with a magnetized needle and a steady hand
hey thats me (jk)
its currently insert current time in timezone “europe/madrid”
thats literally gibberish wtf
it took me quite long to get my first ever game to work but it was worth it. i forgot to mention scratch there. i never really liked it but had to use it at school and that started everything…that first game was absolutely awful but i was just so damn proud of it being better than any of my classmates back in 2021, hehe.
then i started making weird quizzes with batch, until i got a c64 emulator and moved on to basic (no more having to deal with cmd going all “[string] Is NoT rEcOgNiZeD aS aN iNtErNaL oR eXtErNaL cOmMaNd, OpErAbLe PrOgRaM oR bAtCh FiLe11!!1!”)
im still very bad at coding but i dont care, i just do it for fun…nobodys gonna see my spaghetti anyways