On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a human.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It souds like this is literally your first step outside of windows.

    Don’t listen to any of these people, stick to dual boot, especially if your quality of life (I mean your hobbies) are tied to mastery of a known ecosystem of specific softwares.

    Linux can work but you will need to compromise, and you will royally fuck up and unless you are embracing troubleshooting as an hobby you won’t like it.

    Dual booting allows you to have a safe harbor for when things go south.

    I’ve had a dual boot for around 6 years and only this year I have, not deleted windows but set up my boot to default to linux (it used to be last OS booted).

    I had to give up the quality of some audio filters for streaming, I coud not for the life of me figure out how to run a couple of specific games, I’m unable to uncompress big .exe archives (yarrr) in certain specific disks and after a year of smooth daily sailing I had my drivers go nuts and had to dive in and fix it, doing research on old shitty reliable windows.

  • Framed in this way (assuming a population completely corrupted by propaganda) it becomes a matter of responsibility, not unlike what we already faced in germany.

    I believe the proper course of action, in this instance and for posterity alike, is focusing and who is knowingly engaging in propaganda, and not who is being fed a false narrative.

    It’s a broad answer and it leaves very little room for proportionate retaliation, but it’s the only approach, I believe, that foster progress and rightfully frame the issue of division and conflict in a tangible cause and effect dialectic.

    If we now say, “Russian has let themselves be convinced to behave like monsters, therefore we must tread them as ones”, all future wars can and will be framed in this way. If we focus and the root causes, if we condemn manipulation of information, uneven education as among the greatest, most unacceptable, criminal act, I can see a world where at the very least, if you behave like a monster that’s out of your own “disposition”.

  • No I don’t think I would. Other than my ignorance about the facts themselves, there’s the issue that I don’t have a precise definition of genocide in mind.

    I’d probably have the best chance by saying 0 and hoping the definition of Genocide is so narrow it doesn’t really apply to shit.

    And I’d give me a 30% chance.

    Tangent asides, I am under no impression that the Russian Oligarchy now, the Zar before, the URRS in between, has excerted power in oppressive way just like any other country has done and stopped doing only in the face of new ways to accrue power.

    And because in all those instances, from China, to the USA, to all of Europe, through history, people were pushed and pulled into believing all sort of crazy stuff, such as “the others” being inferior, evil, a threat or all of the above, I doesn’t really tell me much that the polupation that is subjected to a long lasting propaganda apparatus is affected by such propaganda.

    I go as far as doubting I would be able to see past it if myself I was born in that situation.

  • I was making what I thought was an obvious equivalence between your realistically impossible to answer question to the impossible question an insecure partner blurts out.

    Are you asking what value I give money? What price I put on human lives? If I would give up everything to keep the innocents out of harm?

    You see your question is way too broad.

    But of fucking course I’d be willing to spend more not to impart sufference in innocent strangers, that’s the point of most things people do daily when it comes to being an ethical being. Would you enjoy saving money if Police would simply arrest everybody in a 2Km range from any murder location and call it a day?

  • I’m not a troll but it’s unsurprising you are quick to hate considering your opinions toward mankind.

    A country is not their government, their history is not their current posturing, the action of their military is not the expression of their local communities. The idea that since you are attached to a certain place is equivalent to sharing the broad general responsibility of its actions through history is what ultimately fuels shit like, you guessed it, the Russian invasion of Ukrain itself.

  • Those people have already had the means, will or duty to move to another country. What’s their excuse for keeping the Russian citizenship?

    There’s plenty of reason, the most likely is that they love their country, their homeland, their city, the network of friends, the memories and they hope, one day, to be able to get back.

    Let’s just assume there is a way to make sure there is no overreach of sanctions, but it’s going to cost millions of tax dollars or euros. Would you rather have that money spent on things that are close to you (education, healthcare, infrastructure etc) or would you want that money to be spent identifying which Russians should or shouldn’t be sanctioned?

    Would you still love me if I was a giant moth?