If you’re wanting to do something like that, you’re probably best running Proxmox as a bit of a hypervisor, then Yunohost in a Debian VM on top, and assign something like “home.domain.tld” to Yunohost and get your “stable” family services running.
Then you can try out other stuff like Coop, Cosmos, OMV, Caprover, Tipi, etc as other VMs if you wanna try adding something Yunohost can’t or doesn’t do well. Or if you wanna extend your DevOps skills without messing up family-prod. I mean, you could even have another Yunohost as a “sandbox.domain.tld” before new service deploy.
Don’t do Waydroid, its way too slow and buggy for what you’re wanting. I’d highly suggest Genymotion and have been using it on touchscreen 2in1s for a few months without issue, even with Play Store