It just bothers me that searching for me on Pixelfed will list my gram.social and my programming.dev accounts.
The programming.dev one has a full profile already too, but I can’t figure out how to access it to post.
No, after a harrowing run-in with the Witch of the Swamp, they had a talisman embedded in their chest that forces them to warn people when they need to be both pragmatic and somber.
So it literally is the pendant in them.
Belgium will be really upset that the US had co-opted mayo
I think the entire reason they’re doing this is to set the precedent that they can defy court orders.
In America, you can’t open a bank account without an address. That means that the homeless population can’t open a bank account (not easily, anyway), and therefore can’t get a debit card.
Cashless is a nice idea, but it is extremely prohibitive against the most vulnerable people (which, sadly, might be part of the point).
He said $30,000 for the cybertruck too. $30,000 just seems to be his “I don’t really know the price” price.
First of all, you make a great point.
Second of all, that quote made me laugh out loud. “In 15 words”? Why is that even there? I saw Sam sitting there with Word open, cursor blinking at the end of his sentence about how deep learning worked, wondering how to make it more impactful. So he copies the sentence and pastes it into a chatgpt box and asks, “how can I make this hit differently?” and chatgpt, in all it’s gptness, responds: “try counting the number of words in the sentence and throwing that in front.”
Assembly is ancient Egyptian heiroglyphs.
Cool. If OpenAI gets a pass, then piracy should be legal, right? I mean what good is a trademark or copyright law?
Edit: “I can’t make money without stealing other people’s work” is definitely a take
deleted by creator
Your repo made me want to convert the extension to TS, which I’ve never written in before.
So I did that, and I’m getting to learn a new syntax! Thanks :D
Hey, just a heads up - I updated the extension to add some rudimentary keyboard navigation. Your j and k are there, and also you can use m to toggle the child comments for the selected comment.
Should be pretty simple to add something like that as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
I’ve been a professional programmer for nearly a decade and I just realized that C# is C++++ with the pluses stacked
It’s a paraphrased quote from Richard Feynman
If you can’t explain a difficult concept in a simple way, then you don’t truly understand it.
Recursive acronyms.
Example? Name an alcohol library project TIPC, which stands for TIPC Is Pretty Cool