This post needs to be somehow tagged as misleading. Too many people are going to accept the headline at face value.
This post needs to be somehow tagged as misleading. Too many people are going to accept the headline at face value.
Lol nice one
To be fair, the Fahrenheit measurement should be pretty intuitive here. Fahrenheit is easy because 0 degrees is “really fucking cold” and 100 degrees is “really fucking hot.” So anything triple-digits should be easily recognizable as “yeah that’s way too fucking hot for a phone.”
This is also why I prefer Fahrenheit to Celsius in general (even though I am an engineer and am not a die-hard patriot or anything like that). It is a more practical scale for everyday usage.
Hate to break it to you (and your superiority complex) but Fahrenheit is also a standard.
Hot take (maybe?) C# looks like a great language, better than Java. I wish I had an excuse to use it.
To make a shitload of money
Is anyone even able to reproduce the issue? It cannot be improved if you can’t reproduce it in the first place.