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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • But is Rust merely a new face on Ada?

    They share some features. But what language does not share any features with any other language? Any new language these days will be heavily inspired by and take features from other languages while making changes to or pulling in features from other places to create a mix that is unique to that new language. Rust is far more than just its GCless memory safety features and I am not even sure if they are inspired by ada or were just arrived at a similar solution to ada - they are not exactly a one to one matching with how ada does anything. If anything I believe that rust is much more heavily inspired by ocaml than ada.

  • But it applies to features, not coding practices

    I disagree. It applies to everything. I would argue it applies to SOLID most of all. I do not find SOLID principals to be good ones to follow most of the time. Situational they can be useful but I have seen so many projects that strictly follow SOLID that becomes an unmaintainable mess.

    If you struggle to understand the SOLID principles or think they are too general, then I would suggest you follow my SOLID Training Wheels until you understand them better.

    I hate this excuse. If the answer to the problem is you are just not doing it right then it is a terrible answer. But lets look at some of this advice:

    Summary: 1 piece of code has 1 responsibility. The inverse: 1 responsibility of code has 1 piece of code

    Training Wheels:
    Follow the 10/100 Principle
    Do not write methods over 10 lines
    Do not write classes over 100 lines

    No. Just no. Making everything as small as possible is exactly what is wrong with the single responsibility principal. I agree that everything should have one responsibility, but that responsibility might be complex and require a lot of code. Hiding the code behind other functions does not make it easier to read, only means you need to jump around a lot in order to understand what it is doing which IMO makes things harder to read. Every time I jump location it gets harder to remember where you came from or what the wider context is. Keeping related code together is more important then creating small function.

    Just take a look at the stdlib of almost any mainstream language. Like the ArrayList in Java, or Vec in rust. These classes are thousands of lines long with many methods being 10-20 lines of code with some even longer then that. Is this code bad or hard to read? Not for what it is doing. And code like this is not atypical in stdlibs, you can jump to almost any class/struct in a language of your choice and see similarly structured code. And in all cases the classes represent one thing and its methods do one thing on that object regardless of how many lines of code they contain.

    If you have to change a class that already breaks the 10/100 Principle:
    take your code out of that class and put it in a new class first so the original class is smaller
    Check-in this refactor without your new code
    make your changes in the new class
    Check-in your new code

    IMO this breaks the single responsibility rule. If new code is mostly related to a single class then it should be added to that class as that is what the class is responsible for. Adding a new class for every bit of logic just splits up the responsibility and makes it far harder to find what is responsible for something.

    I could go on about the rest of that training guide - which this whole post seems to be an advert for.

    YAGNI, will ruin your code base if you apply it to how you code.

    It applies just as much to how you code as to what you are coding. If you added every programming paradigm and principal to your code base it would be a unreadable mess. Not to mention impossible to do as loads of these conflict with each other.

    Pick the right tools for the right job. Don’t blindly apply anything to every situation. There are times when the SOLID principals can help but there are also times where they make code worst. Instead always ask yourself if there is a simpler way you could be doing something and if when applying a principal if it actually made the code easier to read (ask someone else as well as it can be hard to tell yourself). Don’t be afraid to break a principal if it is not helping.

  • Don’t have a knee-jerk reaction to every news post that you see. We have yet to see what will happen and you will have loads of time to decide on what to do when we do know if it will get pulled. You will be able to use your current kernel version with it for as long as you need to even if it does get pulled from the next version. So I would wait and see what actually happens.

    Best option is likely a reinstall of your OS to move off it though there are other more involved ways like copying your rootfs off, reformatting and copying it back before reinstalling your bootloader. A reinstall is likely going to be quicker though.

  • Not anymore because all the reason I mentioned. Has the experience change in recent years? Not likely. It is the same software as in other distros - just years out of date. That has not changed as the goals of these projects have not changed. They might be on newer versions then 10 years ago but they are still way behind more frequently updated distros - or at least will be very shortly. That is fundamentally how these enterprise distros work. Their target audience is businesses needing support, not lots of end users.

    The big attraction towards these distros are the support that enterprise people will pay for - which you do not get with the free version. If you don’t mind older versions of things then it might be nice for you. If not then I would stay clear of them.

  • Older software is the most noticeable thing. Enterprise does not mean it is better - just that it is supported for a long time and they do that by not changing much on them. They are more designed for servers rather than workstations and generally not a great experiences unless you are running hundreds or thousands of them in an enterprise situation.

    Professional just means payed for. What you are paying for is support in managing the systems, not a great user experience.

    For home desktops it is far nicer to be on newer software rather than things that came out 5 to 10 years ago.

  • Um no. Containers are not just chroot. Chroot is a way to isolate or namespace the filesystem giving the process run inside access only to those files. Containers do this. But they also isolate the process id, network, and various other system resources.

    Additionally with runtimes like docker they bring in vastly better tooling around this. Making them much easier to work with. They are like chroot on steroids, not simply marketing fluff.

  • Transactions should be short lived, they block data on the database side from acessing those tables or rows. Best to not jole onto a transaction that long and instead gather your data first or rethink your access patterns to your data base.

    But arc does give you a try_unwrap which returns the inner type if there is only one strong copy left. And mutex gives you an into_inner to move out of it. But really transactions should not be held for a long period of time.

  • Of these 25 reasons, most apply to a lot of languages and are far from Java exclusive or even java strong points. Pick any mainstream language and you will hit most of the benefits it lists here. With quite a few being almost meaningless. Like this:

    Java/JVM/JIT can achieve runtime optimization on frequently run code, especially on something that’s running as a service so that you avoid the overheads from JVM startup times.

    Compiled languages generally don’t need a JIT or to be optimized at runtime as they are compiled and optimized at compile time. And most language that don’t have a runtime like Javas already run faster than Java without its heavy startup time. Language with JITs are generally interpreted languages which have these same benefits as java lists here. Though do often suffer from other performance issues. But really at the end of the day all that really matters is how fast the language is and how good its startup times are. Java is not ahead of the pack in either of these regards and does not do significantly better then other languages in its same class (and often still drastically sucks for startup time).


    Much of a company’s framework can be stable Java, with Scala or Clojure-backed business logic.

    Many languages you can embed other languages inside. Nothing really special about scala or clojure here except that they work well with java. And I don’t really see this as a major benefit as most places I see dont separate their core code and business logic into different languages.

    And the remaining issues that are more java specific are:

    Java was one of the first mainstream GC strongly typed OOP languages. So it got its niche.

    Java has been one of the main programming languages taught in colleges and universities in the last few decades.

    Java’s Legacy Migration: Many banks in particular migrated legacy systems to Java in the early 2000’s when it was getting a lot of popularity and the industry was collectively in the midst of a huge OOP fever dream.

    Which all paint a picture - it was popular long ago and taught in universities and lots of business pushed it when back in the day. And now it is hard to move off it.

    And lastly:


    What? How is this a point? If anything this should be a massive negative.

    Not exactly 25 reasons to pick java in financial enterprise.

  • When I change devices or hit file size limits, I’ll compress and send things to my NAS.

    Whaaatt!?!!? That sounds like you don’t use git? You should use git. It is a requirement for basically any job and there is no reason to not use it on every project. Then you can keep your projects on a server somewhere, on your NAS if you want else something like github/gitlab/bitbucket etc. That way it does not really matter about your local projects, only what is on the remote and with decent backups of that you don’t need to constantly archive things from your local machine.