I tried to compare some backup solutions a while back: https://hedgedoc.ptman.name/kket4uo9RLiJRnOhkCzvWw#
Forget about docker. Run caddy or some similar webserver that is a single file next to the assets to serve.
How full is your ZFS? ZFS doesn’t handle disk filling and fragmentation well.
Make a spreadsheet of where your money is going.
Or then you can just realize that the time you spend is spent not making money and you need to save time, not services.
Got bought
cryptpad si quite good
Gandi is no longer a good choice
I see. I’m an old fart and couldn’t care less about gifs. But I do care about stuff being open instead of someone suddenly telling me the conditions have changed.
what about an actually free alternative, like matrix + element?
HP Microserver + openmediavault or similar.
I’m waiting for hetzner object storage (they were hiring some people for this a couple of months ago)
What are the current alternatives?
Depends on your usecase
Prevent password auth and setup sshguard. Wireguard is very nice in that it doesn’t support password auth.
nagios (and check_mk) are plain old tech. Newer ones have been built with lessons learned. zabbix I don’t like because configuration is in a database. prometheus is nice because it’s performant and configuration is in a file (which can be version controlled in git and deployed with e.g. ansible). Data in database, config in plain text files.
I’ve used nagios, check_mk, zabbix and currently using prometheus + grafana. I suggest prometheus + grafana. But you may want to use netdata as the exporter instead of node_exporter. Or both.
rsync + borg, but looking at bupstash
This is outdated info. Matrix doesn’t need lots of resources these days. “for instance Synapse uses 5-10x less RAM than it used to (my personal federated server is only using 145MB of RAM atm!” - https://matrix.org/blog/2022/08/15/the-matrix-summer-special-2022/#making-it-fast
Host it for free https://paul.totterman.name/posts/free-clouds/ & https://paul.totterman.name/posts/matrix-server-guide/