Now would be the best time to do it
Now would be the best time to do it
Your description reminds me of the job Barney had in HIMYM.
Everything depends on hardware.
I had the completely opposite experience of installing Ubuntu on HP laptop and giving it to my father. It connected without any problems to his work wifi while his friends brand new windows laptop couldn’t.
Even I should get a pass to view copyrighted movies and songs. I need it to train AI (Actual Intelligence).
What does AMD has to do with your privacy.
That is the reason why they r pushing for a subscription. If everyone who wants a mouse have a mouse how will the poor company earn money. How will the billionaire buy another yacht.
If you are on a tight budget
Not for tight budgets
Sorry i didn’t read the whole statement
Sites you visit use Google, their recaptcha, their analytics, their ads.
BSOD is the ultimate catch statement of the OS. It will gracefully close all open data streams and exit. Of course it is not the usual exit so it gives a graphic representation of what not have gone wrong.
If it would have been nuking it wouldn’t show anything.
I don’t think they will lose any big clients. I am sure they will have insurance to take care of compensations.
IMHO the car was trying suicide, perhaps it too was fed up of Musk’s shenanigans.
This is true of apple as reviewers critical of them are never invited for their events.
Nice to be of your help.
How’s OpenWRT to use and install. Though pretty experienced with linux. This is the first time trying to do the hardcore networking stuff.
I read on OPNSense guide it needs 2gb ram to run, it would be difficult to even get a 1gb ram for it. Not to say expensive too.
I have an old Raspberry Pi as PiHole and another Pihole running on as a virtual machine. I have an ryzen PC running as a NAS and Jellyfin.
I was trying to get a half decent PC to make a firewall router out of.
Thanks i was planning to put OpenWRT or DD WRT on it ditching Windows XP
Maybe do a cmos reset
An article from 2007 about Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
That is surprising perhaps govts push for adoption in Kerala and elsewhere is the reason.
I don’t think government will let the company fold. The stock will go up not in the short term but over 10-15 years it will surely fly.
Having said than enron is still in the back of the mind.