the users are holding their wallet the wrong way, probably
the users are holding their wallet the wrong way, probably
no downfall for sj, pretty standard behavior from him. it was absolutely normal for him to deceive people. as for all billionaires. how do you think they make those riches?
if aesthetics reason is what gets through, I’m really lost then. for sure that’s a rant. thank you, have a nice day
well, in my rant, the bit about why do I have to add braces to fix stuff is very close to your first point, and the bit about reading while quickly scrolling to your second point, in which you say the right thing: not adding braces is something that one actively does. with no acceptable reason ever, imo.
good. article upvoted. as are also good curly braces after if/else. too many times I’ve seen if/else without curly braces. why I should carefully read tens of loc, to find ifs? why can’t I find it at a glance, quickly scrolling the file? y do i have to read the line horizontally too to understand if the instruction is there or in the following line? why do I HAVE to add the curly braces to fix stuff? juniors get arty with this “feature” and unwrapping their logic becomes a real pain: but it looks so good!
particularly nasty situation, for real. in my experience, they know the bits of a framework, but they’ll never get to write a modest regex: they’ll have opinions on that too.
you could use dbeaver that warns you for update and delete queries without a where clause, independently of the db system. I hope the functionality it’s still there since, for totally unrelated motivations, I always use a where clause, even when buying groceries.
I wish I was so lucky to have comments.
in real life, I’m fighting with - I’m not joking - a few dozen “quick patches”. code does not reflect in any point functional requirements, and dude is adamant he’s in the right and supersarcastic in any occasion.
Plus, there’s always the temptation to do it the shitty way and “fix it later”
double amen
leaving a message just because it’s important that stallman knows there are many people wishing him well, and how much respect there’s for him. I kindly invite others to leave a message as well.
uh ok. it was… strange indeed. Couldn’t wrap my head around that wsl… you really left me confused ah ah. also, I couldn’t catch all of the joke complexity in more than one glance ah ah. oh god, gotten really slow…
Excuse me, more info on this, some sources? Thank you very much for your time.
well the first part is super interesting…common mistake installing from official store non brand apps!? that’s something on the line with win store. if I’m told I’d die if I do not install Inkscape through win store, well, you know, I’d either stop looking at the insides of a svg or die. not so tough of a decision ah ah
but why? China it’s the spying one, everybody knows it!
on mac i can’t honestly argue about anything. apple policies, practices, hw, sw, services, etc. are something i try to stay as far away as possible. dunno if it’s still the same, but as an example VLC on mac was practically nothing and broken compared to linux and win version, because, you know, quicktime (or what it was/is called the native media player). also is it possible that mac makes really hard to access ms services (or that ms makes really hard to access their services on a mac? although they already make sw for that os… mmh…)? anyways, just for completeness, on win I had no trouble managing office (again, don’t recall what that iteration was called, but it was the one that allowed you to install office in 5 machines with one license) with firefox. have a nice day
true, but bing chat isn’t all ms services. although I’ve heard of plug-ins that could do that, dreadful as it is just the idea
i work for a company that produces dotnet software. I’m my comments you’ll find this, and that firefox is my browser of choice. so we obviously manage access via ad, we use azure, etc. . when it comes to develop Linux native code, i fire up my vm, and I can even use the teams web version on firefox (tbh, only chat though) , so
In my experience, Microsoft services don’t work at all on Firefox
i don’t really know where this is coming from. would you like to elaborate?
the idea that ms is hostile towards its customers is so apple propaganda from some 20 years ago… I mean, a very old refrain… just please stop beating this now decomposed horse. had u written something like
ms like apple like google/alphabet are private ruthless faceless us corporations, ready to suck the soul of anything that got one
that, i could agree on. anyways, peace, obviously.
Are there Google services that only work in Chrome?
this is the gateway to this
I do know Google is generally less annoying than Microsoft in that department.
how this? through Firefox I experience ms websites the same as with edge. google websites? experience is full of small differences from chrome
So, it’s not just me… I feel really relieved