Dammit who forgot to stick the bubble gum back in the contraption this time? Don’t you know that’s what helps stick the duct tape?
Dammit who forgot to stick the bubble gum back in the contraption this time? Don’t you know that’s what helps stick the duct tape?
The Cmd + Space combo on MacOS was a game changer. Finds EVERYTHING on the computer.
Proper, built-in, functional sleep and hibernation
I don’t have an answer for this, but I wonder if something for this could be set up with a docker container. I know LinuxServer.io has a really good image system where you can run a container with “mods”. For example, you might be able to run their base Ubuntu / Fedora / Alpine image and then customizing it to run your script as a service / cron job / systemd service.
Only options available to me on the work computer are Chrome and Edge. FWIW, I use Edge, but still I understand the choice between the two.
Good point, I forgot about that news
I mean they’re just resellers of the big guys’ network. I think Mint is a reseller of T-Mobile. Verizon has its own branded reseller labels. It all goes through the big guys’ network anyways so could they even claim that?
Haha I’m not stupid I know the IRS doesn’t accept gift cards.
The Microsoft tech support guys have been very helpful with my Linux laptop though, and I feel that I can trust them.
I mean I’ve definitely seen signs at checkout lines at grocery stores. I’ve also been asked when buying large amounts of gift cards what my reason for buying them was (in a very kind way, I would add).
Huge news
Is it possible to get biometrics working on a flathub app?
I just like keeping stuff plugged into one side so that I can rest the edge of the other side against my leg without having to worry about bending devices
It doesn’t help our friends in the EU, but I’m hopeful that the CFPB’s “Open Banking” rules might actually make it possible to do this with an open source product with OAuth and common APIs rather than these aggregators that are just web scraping your bank.
I’ve heard others recommend Low End Box before but I have no experience, so do some due diligence before selecting any of these!
I started with the 2020 tutorial from these guys. They’ve updated it a few times through the years so I can’t speak to how good the new version is, but I’m sure it’s probably plenty to get started.
After I followed this guide, I’ve deviated significantly as I learned and started to do my own thing. It’s a great place to start and learn the basics of containerized applications and once you have that then you can host most things that are dockerized. All I need to do now to start up a new service is pull up the README on Docker Hub (or better yet, if LinuxServer.io has a container that does what I want to do, on their website), figure out what I want to do with the variables and any setup that needs to happen, and then I add it to my .yml and start it up!
I’ve got it all tracked now on GitHub so I can see what I’ve changed and when and if something were to go wrong I could revert back to a known-good configuration.
Vaultwarden is only the server, no? So any clients that you use to access Vaultwarden are built and maintained by 8bit solutions a.k.a. Bitwarden, including the desktop client that is the subject of this post.
Are they vouchers? I don’t remember from the article, but I’d assume it’s just the employees give Facebook their Uber account info and whenever it goes down to $0, FB automatically reloads the account. I’d imagine it would be way too much effort to pass out physical cards to everyone.
Your point about only retaining the worst employees is valid though
Well in this case, it’s $25 that wasn’t going to be spent that now does get spent. If you do that for a year it’s $7k additional. I don’t think it’s fireable, but I can at least understand from a bean counter perspective how that’s enough.
The only thing that I could imagine would make the pooling look really bad is if one or more people are not going to use their credit and so they “pool” it in with someone else who does want to use it, and the latter employee now has a $50/$75/etc. credit.
Staff are given daily allowances of $20 for breakfast, $25 for lunch, and $25 for dinner, with meal credits issued in $25 increments.
Hot damn this is absolutely wild. Even if you only look at lunch, that’s ~$6k/person. If you add in breakfast and dinner that’s ~$17k/person.
We have the best technology in the world, because of sue.