I thought Candy Crush was a dependency for File Explorer, TIL
ACAB (All Cardassians Are Born-tailors)
I thought Candy Crush was a dependency for File Explorer, TIL
I just need a few pairs of those pants, like right now
I’m using Elisa, but for some reason I can’t get it to import some .flac files from yt-dlp. It’ll play them, but won’t put them in the library, maybe because it can’t import metadata, since there isn’t any?
Best I can do is Burnout: Revenge
Gparted, you can delete the Windows partition and resize the Linux one to fill the space.
This should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyways: backup any important data beforehand, just in case.
Virtual File System, an abstraction layer that lets the OS interact with different file systems seamlessly.
I made this argument on PCM back in the reddit days and got downvoted to oblivion.
Petrosian kicks down your door and drops a brick on your pp
Harvest his private organs? No one wants those.
That’s me! I have dark brown hair and green eyes!
I don’t know what any of this is!
Or just dudes who are lazy but also don’t wanna sleep in their pants! You don’t necessarily have to be a stripper to enjoy the many benefits of magnetic pants, is all I’m saying.
Can’t break it if you can’t use it!
I have no actual problem with it, the only reason I don’t is that it’s harder to type
With some help from the adults. My niece is six and she loves it!
We live together? 🥰