we all need to consider, it costs money to fund quality journalism. we have to be aware of the many forces working against basic silly journalism, like what’s happening at the school board.
we all need to consider, it costs money to fund quality journalism. we have to be aware of the many forces working against basic silly journalism, like what’s happening at the school board.
legality i don’t know, but guess who has an infinite supply of lawyers? Musk was able to secure loans for his Twitter misadventure based on all his other shit. Everything he does is entangled with his other stuff. The Hyperloop? lies.
Can eye color change with age? I just checked for the first time in many years and its not what I remembered. Used to be a thin, fuzzy ring of light brown inside a vague cloudy blue. Now it’s just cloudy, dull blue. Maybe it changes to accommodate lifestyle and personality
What happens when you bring a cat her toy?
She sighs, exasperated, and says, “I wanted you to open all the cabinet doors you fucking moron”
Your creds could be diminished based on which usenet forums you frequented. I had a little while in my 90s youth obsessed with researching marihuana, libertarian ideals, and discrediting Scientology in the alt.scientology groups. Not great, kind of normal for usenet, but there were much darker places to inhabit there. Worst of all was posting from my university account with my real name.
Cycling, role playing games, hiking groups, theater, local, community, local community theater, fascism, beating up people I don’t like
Looks cool man but as an extreme introvert, I worry about the false dichotomy of intro/extro. I’m fucked up and isolated because that’s what I want. I’m also decent at interpersonal relations, but it hurts my brain to do sales. Because I don’t want you to buy the thing I am trying to sell you.
Even librarians love snacks
Just to bring it back to earth, thermobaric memetic munitions have been deployed since before the stone age. You set the opposing village on fire, and then steal their memes. Might have that backwards.
I worked with a super nice weird guy. He was always bringing in his 3d printed warhammer sets to the shop. Respect. One day he was talking about his sword. I was like, did you buy the sword in a mall? And he said yes, he bought it in a mall. I should have let it go. Anyways I am not friends with that guy.
“how to diy replace stolen catalytic converter”
“96 Ford esprit strange smell and noise in roof”
Youtube: buy this $90 grand all terrain thingy on credit!
Sounds standard for Comcast or whoever they are now. Couldn’t find anything though. Curious
/song note emoji/I always feel like/end song note emoji/
it feels like it should it work to just poke a stranger when you want to talk to them
Yeah it’s strange. I don’t know how long it will take for AI to be surreptitious, less obvious, but it’s weird and scary.
I meant, talking to coworkers, – yes, I already tried Chrome, Edge, etc, not sure what etc would include - not worth it to explain what little I know of Chromium, and it doesn’t matter. I’m aware it’s Chromium or Firefox in getting a page to work. Random coworkers, they don’t know or care.
I agree, but something will have to change because chrome will swallow ALL that. Just today some back-end problem was messing up all my stuff, and co-workers were asking, " did you try a different browser? " botch no I did not try Netscape
I guess it says updated, but hey. PR for Firefox is cool, until the imminent enshittification.
there’s no new big wall of information from the NY Times. ask them, what’s the scoop? my opinion, take a moment. wtf are you doing?