No you don’t??
Just use an on-screen keyboard smh
My previous/alt account is which will be abandoned soon.
No you don’t??
Just use an on-screen keyboard smh
Fun fact: It hates ambiguity:
The model just didn’t stop generating.
Q: What is i? This question is purposefully ambiguous.
It’s a little on the rambling side. While it does show the steps it takes, I’m sure it gets annoying when it considers more and more edge cases.
Let’s see. The sentence is: “What is the longest word in this sentence?” I need to find out which word is the longest in this sentence.
First, I should probably list out all the words in the sentence. Let’s break it down:
Now, I need to count the number of letters in each word.
What: 4 letters
is: 2 letters
the: 3 letters
longest: 7 letters
word: 4 letters
in: 2 letters
this: 4 letters
sentence: 8 letters
Okay, so “sentence” has 8 letters, and “longest” has 7 letters. So “sentence” is longer.
Wait, but is “sentence” the longest? Let me check again.
What: 4
is: 2
the: 3
longest: 7
word: 4
in: 2
this: 4
sentence: 8
Yes, “sentence” has the most letters with 8 letters.
But wait, is there any word with more than 8 letters? Let’s make sure.
Looking back at the list:
What: 4
is: 2
the: 3
longest: 7
word: 4
in: 2
this: 4
sentence: 8
No, “sentence” is the longest word in this sentence.
But now I’m thinking, maybe there’s a word that’s longer that I’m missing. Maybe there’s a word within “sentence” that’s longer, like if “sentence” contained another word within it.
Wait, no. Each word is separate. I think I listed all the words correctly.
Alternatively, maybe there are multiple words with the same length, but in this case, “sentence” is the longest.
Wait, perhaps I should consider punctuation. Is there any punctuation that might be considered part of a word?
The sentence ends with a question mark, so “sentence?” would be 9 letters if the question mark is included. But typically, punctuation is not considered part of the word. So, “sentence” is still 8 letters.
Alright, so “sentence” is the longest word with 8 letters.
But just to be thorough, maybe there’s a word that I missed or miscounted.
Let me count again:
What: W-H-A-T, 4 letters
is: I-S, 2 letters
the: T-H-E, 3 letters
longest: L-O-N-G-E-S-T, 7 letters
word: W-O-R-D, 4 letters
in: I-N, 2 letters
this: T-H-I-S, 4 letters
sentence: S-E-N-T-E-N-C-E, 8 letters
Yes, definitely 8 letters.
So, the longest word is “sentence.”
But now I’m thinking, maybe there’s a word with a hyphen or something that I need to consider. Like “well-known” would be two words, well and known, but without a hyphen, it’s one word.
But in this sentence, there are no hyphenated words.
Alternatively, maybe there are contractions, but there are no contractions in this sentence.
So, “sentence” is clearly the longest word.
But to make sure, perhaps I can measure the length programmatically.
If I were to write a simple program to find the longest word in a sentence, I would split the sentence into words and then find the word with the maximum length.
In Python, for example, I could do something like:
sentence = “What is the longest word in this sentence?”
words = sentence.split()
max_word = max(words, key=len)
That would output “sentence?” but since punctuation is not part of the word, I should remove punctuation.
So, perhaps:
import string
sentence = “What is the longest word in this sentence?”
words = sentence.translate(str.maketrans(‘’, ‘’, string.punctuation)).split()
max_word = max(words, key=len)
This would output “sentence” without the question mark.
So, yes, “sentence” is the longest word with 8 letters.
But now, out of curiosity, I wonder if there are any words with more than 8 letters in this sentence. Clearly not, but maybe in a different sentence.
Alternatively, perhaps there’s a way to make “sentence” longer by considering it with punctuation, but as established, punctuation is not part of the word.
Wait, maybe there are words with apostrophes, like “it’s,” but in this sentence, there are no such words.
So, in conclusion, “sentence” is the longest word in the sentence “What is the longest word in this sentence?” with 8 letters.
Final Answer
[ \boxed{\text{sentence}} ]
This is misinformation.
The law is an extension to existing “Stand Your Ground” laws that applies to theft of commercial electronic telecommunication machines used to perform wireless financial transactions. The owner of these machines or someone employed by them may use reasonable force to prevent the theft, which does include shooting the thieves if the owner believes their life is in danger.
The ““loophole”” refers to the fact that this applies to suspected thieves too, with the Texas Supreme Court ruling that “[at] most one innocent suspect may be shot at. The owner must do his or her due diligence to prevent targeting multiple innocent individuals.”
Here’s some more unbiased information:
These suggestion all sound quite bland and corporate though. GIMP isn’t a great name but better than all of those in my opinion.
A better change should be more like Minetest becoming Luanti. Here is what ChatGPT came up with instead:
These are horrible compared to Luanti.
But that would be worse?
The solution to women being treated unfairly is not to start treating men unfairly too. It’s to treat women fairly.
Fair enough, I’m far from an expert when it comes to working with these tools.
I’m not a graphics designer, I just occasionally dabble in GIMP. Is it really that bad or is it just different from Adobe? I’ve had some issues at first because the GUI is not intuitive in the slightest but I kind of enjoy the workflow now.
Although the most complicated thing I’ve ever done was recreating an AI generated logo with actual symmetry, logic and around 20 layers.
Couldn’t there be an implementation thay leaves everyone satisfied?
Sort of like implementating a new optional tab for discovery and allowing users to choose whether their posts appear on it. The implementation should of course be fully honest without dark patterns, though due to the lack of profit incentive it shouldn’t be difficult to achieve a satisfying implementation.
Label the remappable button STREAMING SERVICE or something, I don’t know.
I dislike the .not() method a bit because it inverts the meaning of the previous code snippet you’ve read.
if (list.isEmpty()...
“Ah, so if the list is empty…”
if (list.isEmpty().not())
It’s a little more specific, I think the patent is about:
But that’s still something multiple games have done in some way I think.
Your account name is me trying to spell Dijkstra
He changed his behavior around that time with professional help, I don’t think children were the key reason - though maybe what set the stone rolling.
Depending on who compromised you, paying the ransom is the smart move.
As long as the hacker group has a somewhat established name and reputation, they have more to lose from keeping a copy afterwards than to gain. Trust is like half of the business model for these groups - throwing it all away for a one-time gain isn’t the smartest move.
And while you should obviously keep a backup, in the end it might be cheaper to just pay up, especially because of potential future lawsuits should customer data be leaked.
Also, you should absolutely make sure the hackers actually have stolen data instead of merely encrypting it all with a secret key. There’s no point in paying in that case.
I guess Cyprus will never be able to join the EU either then
* Gets stupidFuckingInteger
* @returns stupidFuckingInteger
public double getStupidFuckingInteger() {
return stupidFuckingInteger;
The amount isn’t necessarily an indicator of intelligence, the nunber of connections is very important too
Fucking Mussolini was said to have made the trains run on time again.
Even if that were true, that doesn’t make him half decent.