Technically speaking the first LTE specification didn’t meet 4G requirements either, so for a short while you could get two different fake 4Gs.
6G market entry is planned for around 2030 with first specifications being finished around 2027-28, there have always been around 10 years between generations.
I think you got that wrong, you got +Inf, -Inf and two NaNs, but they’re both just NaN. As you wrote signed NaN makes no sense, though technically speaking they still have a sign bit.
The ECHR is not an EU court, it’s a Council of Europe court, different organisation.
Edit: To make things more confusing, the EU is in negotiations about joining the Council of Europe.
Never had any problems. Did you used to log into an account, maybe that makes a difference?
Streaming services aren’t much better, they regularly didn’t have what I wanted to watch and I’m not subscribing to more than one. Now I’m subscribing to none and watch what I want instead of what Netflix has available.
Great, so I guess the future of terrorism will be fueled by people learning programming and figuring out how to make emps so they can send the murder robots back to where they came from.
Eh, they could’ve done that without AI for like two decades now. I suppose the drones would crashland in a rather destructive way due to the EMP, which might also fry some of the electronics rendering the drone useless without access to replacement components.
He uses his own http server called gatling and an LDAP server instead of a database.
Not sure that existed, but how would it work? There were no accounts and IPs are ephemeral.
Not an expert on trademark law, but I think “Threads by Meta” would not work as the main part of that name would still be “Threads”, “Meta Threads” could work, but if they’d make the “Meta” part not prominent in the branding then again it would probably be considered as only “Threads”.
How would those microcells be legal? It’s not just that 3G or whatever gets shut down, the frequencies are usually reallocated to something else so you can’t legally operate a 3G network on those frequencies anymore.
Frequency isn’t that relevant, it’s frequency bandwidth. The bit rate is n/T with n being bits per symbol and T symbol duration which itself is 1/B with B being the frequency bandwidth. You want to increase the bit rate you can either increase the number of bits per symbol or increase the frequency bandwith. 5G allows bandwiths up to 400MHz per channel, there isn’t enough space in the lower frequency ranges for such large bandwidths, so you go up.
Keep functions or methods short. Anything longer than 20 - 50 lines is likely too long
If it doesn’t fit on my screen it’s too long.
Handling cash isn’t free either, it has to be transported, counted and probably insured, all that costs money.
Best I can do instead is calling it